This is a follow-up to my
grand journalistic exposé on David Thorne. It should be obvious to you by now that this trickster is not to be trusted.
I am no idiot! I know that much humour is based upon fiction, for example Short Circuit Part II. However it is when this humour is taken as truth that my ire is provoked. Many people, including my very wife, were sucked in by this poor-man's ruse of the Spider Used to Pay a Bill (and others!).
And I am not content in knowing this, sitting on my duff, watching the world go by! I instead made a great problem for this David Thorne (and his many, many supporters that he invented). I corresponded with him in an heroic act of journalism, which I will now present to you below.
I am well aware that in accusing someone of inventing correspondence for use on the internet it may be assumed that I have, in turn, invented this very correspondence. I can assure you that I have not! These emails are very real, and should be taken to heart by even the coldest of readers!
From: Scott Mintred
To: David Thorne
Subject: I complain about your page "Belly messages"
Firstly, I'd thought at first glance that you were writing some crap about "belly massages", and my interest was immediately piqued.
Secondly, whenupon I did click on the link to that nonsense, I nearly vomited at your hubris!
On top of all that, you have tricked my wife. She said to me, "Oh, look at this crap on the internet".
I said, "No", because I don't like email forwards, least of all those communicated by someone's mouth when they occupy the same couch as myself. It's unavoidable, you see. I cannot use a spam filter there.
She pestered me until I relented, and of course she showed me your web-site.
"Look, this is so funny, he attempted to pay for shit with a spider!"
"Why would he attempt to buy shit at all?"
"No, he attempted to pay a bill with it."
"With shit?"
"A spider."
So you can see my life is not incredibly exciting. However, I have made notice to the public of your ruse on my very own website, one on which you could not possibly lie.
Observe it here, it is not spam, nor a "Rick Roll":
Please email me back at your earliest opportunity to apologize. (You may alternatively "apologise", if that is more comfortable you).
From: David Thorne
To: Scott Mintred
Subject: Re: I complain about your page "Belly messages"
I am sending you this electronic mail on the internet.
Thankyou for yours. I have attached the nude photo you requested.
Kmart, who I am sure you are no stranger to, probably have good prices on frames.
Regards, David.
Now let me interject two things here. First, his above message included the following attachment:

I have censored David's face into the manner
of a robot, so as to protect him. He only sent
the black-and-white part of the image.
Second, here is a screen-shot of his email, to demonstrate the pompous way in which his emails are formatted:
He also asserts in each and every email that I should purchase a
27bslash6 shirt. I would find this to be overly obnoxious, were you not also able to purchase a fine, upstanding and classy
Mintred Shirt. (You
will notice that my shirts are a better deal. They are six US dollars less expensive than David's, but they are at least six or eight sexiness units better than his!)
I assure you that my emails are formatted in a straight-forward manner, with black text and nothing ostentatious, such as a woman.
To continue:
From: Scott Mintred
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: I complain about your page "Belly messages"
Thanks to you for writing back to me so promptly, I know it is summer and tomorrow in Australia, and you probably have better things to do!
Unfortunately you may have caused trouble, for it is today here, and I have not left work. You see, I became instantly aroused by your picture and commenced a vigorous masturbation! One that was, due to my being thoroughly distracted by your picture, witnessed by our overweight Salvadorean cleaning lady. (I'm not sure if that's how one would specify a person from El Salvador, but how relevant can such a mistake possibly be?)
Now she is cleaning the underside of my desk, and I am emailing you back from the computer of a co-worker.
I have no need of a frame from K-Mart, because I will not be printing your picture. You see, it is in such a low resolution that I would be required to squint at it, which is hardly the most desirable way in which to view a picture-on-display. (I could "blow it up", obviously, but then it would be all pixelated to hell, hardly doing it justice).
I notice that you have yet to apologize for your site's content. I wager that you have not inspected my page either, wherein I accuse you of nefarious doings.
You are not to be trusted.
From: David Thorne
To: Scott Mintred
Subject: Re: I complain about your page "Belly messages"
Bahaha® But I have indeed 'inspected' your page, I click on every link that anybody sends me. One day one of those letters from a nigerian bank trying to transfer money out of the country is going to be legitimate and who will be laughing then I ask you. Me. I even left a small comment and forwarded your link to friends as I found it quite amusing. You will, however, receive NO apology for my sites content for I will never apologise for pointless distractions. You are incorrect though. Funny. But incorrect.
Regards, David.
From: Scott Mintred
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: I complain about your page "Belly messages"
I fail to understand how you've registered a laugh as a trademark, but it is certain that you have a lot of people to sue.
My good wife had pointed out that you had left a comment on my web-site. I don't believe in looking at it too often, lest I be dubbed "vain" by some assholes. I do appreciate the comment, though the unfortunate thing of this ordeal is that viewers of my page (there are 5 of them, now that you have viewed it) will think that I invented your comment in an act of hypocrisy!
Your website was a humorous distraction, and I did enjoy browsing it (somewhat obsessively, if you must know!) I now feel as if I know this Thomas and that Lucien very well, and I have until now not known anyone named Lucien. So that's good too!
I had a nagging suspicion that I'd just made something up, and of course I meant to say "Lucius". Though this name is also new to me, insofar as I've not met anyone with that name.
Do let me know if you're ever in the States and up for a game of cards..
From: David Thorne
To: Scott Mintred
Subject: Re: I complain about your page "Belly messages"
My favourite part of that page is my pink eyes. Will do.
Regards, David.
From: Scott Mintred
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: I complain about your page "Belly messages"
And that would be all, were it not for his revealing comment to the
instigating page:
You have caught me out with your awesome detective skills. I had thought I had gotten away with the perfect crime but I had not figured on your scrutiny. It is now apparent to all that I simply 'make this stuff up' to fool the world for my own unknown reasons but what is not realised is that because the other people are real voices in my head, this counts as a medical condition. Please feel pity and send me money.
Regards, David.
P.S. The E's all look very different to me.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 by David
And now I will respond to a few choice comments. Mind you that most of these comments were probably left by David himself, usually in the guise of a woman! It was also David whom voted the article down to its current rating of
NEGATIVE 27. I know this from IP addresses. Unless he is running a fat farm of users sharing the same IP address, which I do not think that he is. I will let this tremendously negative number stand, only such that you can see of what menace his character is composed!
I want to Penetrate David Thorne. Not in the ejaculatory way. I want to penetrate him with a knife. Then I want to defecate on his bed sheets after he has just washed them. Then I want to smear orange juice pulp inside his belly button. Then I want to eviscerate his pet. If he has one. And especially if not.
And also... Make this fncking comment typing area bigger you dirty Mintred cunt.
And next time... don't ask his permission. Just do it.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 by RegisCake
I understand that this is probably David Himself, demonstrating his self-loathing and horror-show mind. As such, I will leave it to you, the reader, to draw conclusions.
As for my comment area:
And I have no idea when I'd asked his permission for anything whatsoever. I accused him of being a phony, and untrustworthy.
"He runs a web site that is arguably arranged in a more artsy-fartsy manner than mine."
I think you might find David is a designer by trade. Besides, I prefer your website design Scott, it shows you don't care and I have heard that beige is the new black. Plus there is too much technology and clean design on the internet, your 80's look makes me feel comfortable because I am old and scared by new things.
Thursday, January 29, 2009 by Craig Elston
I you think I might find that he is? You keep thinking that.
Yes, I prefer my design better as well! It is why I invented it! However your sarcasm is undue. My site is not in fact beige, it is a color I've made up:
Priceless Coral. It is also cleaner than David's very site. I do not have boxes everywhere full of supplementary content, and pictures of men with fruity haircuts.
Impressive skill set
Your very impressive and sleuth-like detective skills are amazing. Now that I look back... I wonder how I didn't realise that it was all a sham. Thank you.... thank you so much for exposing this fraud and making my work day that much more boring. I hope that your website gets that many more hits for its connection with his, despite how undeserved those hits may be.
Yours in admiration,
PS - Your site doesn't "bother me" in the way you seemed to think it would. Sorry... but it doesn't really evoke a response at all.
Thursday, January 29, 2009 by Hayley
Thank you Hayley, it is always good to meet a fan. Most especially one that asserts to be female. Do not tell my wife, but I am flattered!
Ah, but it did evoke a response. Observe your response. (And the slogan refers to bothering
me, not
you. Which should be obvious from the use of the word "me").
This page kind of reads like you are jealous of the popularity Davids site has. Some people might see it as tall poppy syndrome. I thought the pun bit at the end was funny though.
Thursday, January 29, 2009 by Karen
Karen! You must be a friend of Hayley's! You do not arouse me to the same degree, however. I believe it may be your name. I do not know what "tall poppy syndrome" is, but if it has to do with drugs then count me in. Perhaps you and Hayley would form a club of admirers for me. That would be excellent, and I would even advise as to the design of your website!
He found the first image?
So you are saying that he was just on google images and he happened to find a guy with no top on with "I want to be inside you D.T." written on his stomach which is his initials (amazingly coincidental) and he made the rest up? Fuck it is so obvious now! Do you go to a special school?
Thursday, January 29, 2009 by Phil
No. That is not at all what I am "saying". I claim that he was in fact purposefully looking at pictures of topless men on Google Images. This would indeed raise the probability that he would find an image with the initials "D.T." in a message on a topless man's abdomen. It is a coincidence, I agree. "D.T." could stand for any number of things: Duke Therman, Dental Typecasting, Diabolical Tushy, Dan Thergood, Dip Theria, and yes, even David Thorne.
You will notice that I took the word "Idiot" off the end of your comment. I did not like it.
the belly page
I think the best page on davids site is the ikea page with simon making the experience painful. I laugh every time I read that. If David wrote a book I would buy it. This site isn't very good though.
Thursday, January 29, 2009 by Colleen Meller
David, you will have to buy more than just one copy of your own book in the guise of a woman to make it worthwhile.
You are entitled to your opinion regarding my site, irrespective of how
wrong and
fundamentally incorrect and
moronic your opinion is. I am glad to correct you though! It is a good day for us all!
I trust that this settles the matter for everyone.