That Logo That Silhouette

My True Story
Poor Mr. Thorne Retreats to the..
Trademarks and Fairytales of..
Video-of-Text, or Why I Love..
I Retract My Article
Lieutenant Worf Mows My Lawn..
Susceptibility to Advertising
I Have "Haxxored" Your Mindset
Conversations with David Thorne
Can I Pay for This with Fake..

Poor Mr. Thorne Retreats to the Closet
Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by scott

I'm sure you have all seen the results of Mr. Thorne's latest episode of Keyboard Diarrhea, this thing.

Impassioned as I am for such things, I've printed out twelve copies (one for each hit I've received in the interim between his writing this and the new thing), and put them in this closet which I've now invented:

David Thorne's TL;DR closet, of course!

The closet is, in reality, painted beige, but I cannot seem to find that coulourour on my pallet of coulourourours in Microsoft Paint®, my image editor of choice.

I know you must be thinking, "but Scott, whyever did you correspond so poorly with Mister Thorne of Australia, whom now resides in America even though he does not like it?"

Well, because I enjoy time machines, and conversations thereof. I also like to talk to David via email as it feels much more personal and vibrant than my ranting blindly on this website all day. In fact, I am surprised that David has time not only for his fans, but also for his prime detractor! He is a generous man with a big heart. Well, he has been ever since he overheard Lucius say in a pub, "I love philanthropy".

Unfortunately, Lucius was mistaken in the pronunciation of philosophy, and was merely saying so to impress a young coed philosophy major. David was too far away to attain the context of the conversation, and so he is now quite philanthropic. Next week we shall see his article entitled, "Descartes May be Fatter, but Plato Doesn't Matter". This will go unseen by Lucius and sadly prove to be the downfall of, a site completely unrelated to Mr. Thorne.


I am in the process of creating a YouTube video that will vindicate me and vilify Mr. Thorne once and for all! You will be able to witness its unveiling later tonight tomorrow night, or Yesterday Morning three weeks ago Thursday for those of you in Australia.

Observe the YouTube, SOON!

In case anyone is curious, the definition of Keyboard Diarrhea will soon be added to my fine lexicon on Urban Dictionary Dot Com.
(698 to 514109)
  Wow, just wow.
  "Although encouragement, rather than reprimand, may be the key to persuading a slow child to stop defecating in the bath, there eventually comes a time when you just pull the plug and slap him."
David Thorne.

This is why David Thorne is known as a gifted writer and comic genius. Give it up Scott, you are not very bright and not at all funny. Your website is actually just kind of embarrassing and sad.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Skye
  you're boring and stupid
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Dicklock
  Yeah, it's beige ...
  No arguing, really.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by bliss
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by STILL Disappointed
  u got pwned.... :P ROFL
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Lewis OSullivan
  Your website
  Your Javascript toggleLayer function appears to be broken in the Chromium browser. Fix it. Web standards exist for a reason.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Thomas
  Well.... This site isn't very funy or interesting. You don't have any pretty and incorrigably rude young ladies, there are no hilarity inducing articles and the background colour is duller than beige. In fact beige would be a riotous frivolity compared to this miasmic discharge!I think I will go back to Davids site. If you would like to know what time zone I have wasted five minutes of my life in I am in the UK.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by lugubrioustide
  Physics fail
  "You should do some research on time travel before you make a fool of yourself. To travel through time you need to travel faster than the speed of light"


All of us are ALREADY travelling through time. None of us are travelling faster than the speed of light to keep the clock ticking. And besides, if you are talking about relativity and about speeding up time, we do not need to travel faster than the speed of light. In fact, it is speculated that travelling faster than the speed of light brings you back into the past. I can go into details, but i don't think you would be able to wrap your head around it.

"A closet can't move."

Relativity phail. If a closet is on a moving train, and you are on the train, the closet is not moving. But if you are looking in the train from a stationary position outside, the closet is moving. So, a closet can move. If the closet is on a train which is travelling at a higher speed than you, he would be a few nanoseconds into the future when compared to you. Therefore, time travel is possible. But if you are thinking of Back to the Future time travel, not yet. If you did some research and stop claiming you are twice as intelligent, maybe i wouldn't have to type this down.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Tsafira
  faux intellectual
  your snooty use of hifalutin does not
actually add to your intellect derp derp
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Wencler Shia
  re: I have read your website and it is obviously that your a foggot.
  I have read your website and it is obviously that your a foggot.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by someguy
  You're the coolest!
  I loved it when you sent the email to yourself! That was hilarious! Oh wait, I think maybe Thorne wrote that one and not you, that's why it was hilarious!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Yachtrockwell
  Did you ever stop to think that people don't care about your pathetic attempt at a feud with a more gifted humorist? That the more material and snide remarks you post in that vain simply drives a wedge between you and whatever poor saps stumble upon this travesty of a website? I sincerely wish I had one person for whom I could blame all of my small life's insignificant problems upon, but I would refrain from doing so, lest I appear to be immature and inable to cope with my own inferiority. A word of advice: Move on.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Grady RIchards
  If I could defecate on your website I would.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Nicholas Mussolini
  You got owned
  Nice bit of a publicity but seriously dude, your just making a tard of yourself.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Rob
I have no idea where you get this stroke nonsense from.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Ben
  Have you deliberately tried to fashion your personality after Vizzini from the "Princess Bride" or is that entirely coincidental?
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Buttercup
  Where do you get off telling David Thorne that you're not fat?
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Mark
  You're a ri tard.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Baba Booey
  You really read the stuff you write and think it's funny? Or are you one of those people* who thinks they are extra special super cool for "being themselves" even if no one else supports them?

Even though thousands of people have pointed this out to you already, you seem to have missed out:
-David Thorne has legions of people who think he is hysterical (evidenced by the comments section on his website and youtube, if you really want to argue with that. I don't think he had the time to create 20,000 fake profiles just to make himself look good in case internet idiots like yourself decide to pick on him).
-You have legions of people who wish you would fall off the face of the internet/Earth (in reading your comments, some of them even want you to take your own life).

I don't know how you can deny that. At all. No matter what you say on the internet, that has to eat away at you when you are lying awake at night...

Anyway, far be it from me to tell you that you can't post what you want on your own website. However if you want David Thorne to stop posting about you, don't you think you should just give up the fight with him? The only reason he keeps posting about you on his website is that you email him with inane comments and sad attempts at snarky remarks. I think it's fairly sure that if you left him alone and possibly took down all of your shitty "journalism", he would leave you to your crappy mundane website.

I'll reiterate:

Give it up.

No one cares.

You didn't prove anything, except that people would still love David even if everything on his site was fake.

You're a grown man and you should have better things to do than this (well so is David, but he's actually funny so he gets away with it).

....Just a thought.

*I said "people" but what I really meant was "adult version of those 14-year-old kids who wear Hot Topic bondage pants, dye their hair black and pink, and hang out in mall food courts every day"
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Ell
  I've looked at every page on this site, but I've yet to find the funny parts.

  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Jerry Randalls
  I can't believe you're still trying.
  really, how many anonymous commenters do you need before you realize this is complete shit? TERRIBLE design and TERRIBLE content. GIVE. IT. UP.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by give it up
  You almost have to be David Thorne himself masquerading as a retarded chimpanzee. For you to call yourself funny is actually kind of funny in itself. But I really suspect David needed some more material and created you, because you have really given him a lot to be funny about.

I do love the minimalist beige design though, and your deep thoughts on life. The janitor where I work has a weblog almost as funny/interesting/worth reading.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Elizabeth I
  you suck
  i cant fap to this.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by fapping
  You suck
  get a life, you frustrated fat prick.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by GOD
  Be nice
  C'mon people, picking on this guy is like harassing the guy with the helmet on the short bus. He's doing well for someone of his obvious deficiencies.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Chub-E-Chaser
  Beige indeed
  No, seriously, this is beige.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by the dark canuck
  you suck
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by GOD
  This website
  This website is not funny at all. I have to agree with what seems to be a common sentiment: it sucks. I only linked to this site because of 27b/6, and really expected to find at least SOMETHING that would incite even a mere giggle. Unfortunately, you are one of the stupidest fuck-giraffes in the dumb-dumb salad.

"The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which an unskilled person makes poor decisions and reaches erroneous conclusions, but their incompetence denies them the metacognitive ability to realize their mistakes." You might want to wiki it some time, and contemplate how this might relate to you, and your endeavors in suckiness.

Thanks so much for wasting thirty minutes of my life.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Hater of Suckiness
  seriously email me, if you're so good at hacking.
  I love the internet and the amount of joy and entertainment it gives me. I dislike people who waste my time and genuinely have nothing of interest to offer.

Why such an "intelligent" person like yourself would bother getting into some kind of melodramatic spasm with a piss-taker like Mr 27bslash6 is beyond me. You can't "Win" against him like you keep trying because he's not playing along with you. Can't you see that? The more you try and "Win" against him, the more you come across like a total and complete desperate, obsessive loser.

The fact is his site offers a humorous glimpse into a brain that is wired slightly sideways, but writes with extraordinary talent. A wit that you, my friend, simply do not have.

Please take your pathetic excuse of a website off the internet. It neither captures me with it's content nor offers anything of any worth. This can be proven by the fact that your site was not contactable for quite some time just after Mr 27bslash6 posted a single link to your site. Excuse me while I laugh. hahaha!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by email me
  You're a loser...
  ...and it IS beige, pog-boy!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Pogs
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  Judging from the huge negative rating I'm seeing this story possess, it seems that true or not, people enjoy his page better.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Youwish Eyedtell
  Seriously dude, you fail at life. The only reason anyone looks at your site is because it was linked to from Or they googled beiged, fuck if I know.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Steve
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Herp a Derp
  Oh my, you are quite the avid David Thorne reader, aren't you?! :O
Such detail!
Though this entire page in it's basic form, reads: 'MrEEEEEEEH! sHUDDUP,DaVD! U R GAIZ, DaVD!'
It is quite amusing to read in both forms as the pure stench of desperation is apparent, regardless to the wording of the message.

  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Erica
  Get off the Internet, you are not wanted
  Seriously dude, you are not funny. David Thorne actually knows what comedy is and is quite good at it, where as you are rather egotistical and annoying.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Give Up
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by HAHAHHAA
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by foggot
  You are easily twice as intelligent as the frozen pizza David left for you in the drawer of the closet...unless the pizza knows how to email.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by MaryO
  Get a Day Job
  Seriously. You have the sense of humor of a calculator--and, since I gather from David's responses that you clearly don't pick up on subtleties, I mean this: you no funny, you boring and dull. Also, your website is ugly. No one likes beige, no matter what ridiculous, computer-nerd name you assign it. Priceless coral? That's stupid. Just accept the fact that you have failed at life, and that no one needs to read about it in cyber space. There's nothing sadder than an un-funny person. Oh wait, yes there is: an un-funny person who makes themselves the object of others' jokes.

And stop using "heretofore," in your un-funny posts, unless you are an attorney, or you have beaten David at truly designing a time machine and have managed to travel back to the 13th century when that word was invented, or you have become a 13th century attorney.

David: 1 Mintred: 0
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Mari
  You really fail.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Lawl
  I'd just give up if I was you. You're obviously out of your depth.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Dicklock
  Give it up!
  My god man, give it up, you got OWNED by someone with wit and sarcasm, who wields them both amazingly effectively.

You're one of those guys who thinks so highly of himself because of a low self-esteem level that you can't even pick up on, decipher or emulate the sarcasm which tore you apart.

The best thing you can do is to give in to humility, fold your tail between your legs, crawl away and lay claim to the fact that you got OWNED by someone who is infinitely more clever than you will ever be.

And who gives an effin care about the fact that MS paint is your favorite image editor... add that to the list of things which shows you have absolute NO CLUE.

  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Shadyzz
  I JUST MANAGED TO VOTE 6000 BAD :))) Your site sucks :)))

I WILL NOW VOTE 99999 BAD :)))
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Alex

JUST REPLACE THE 151 with a number form 1 to 151, so you can cast a negative vote of 99999 on every post of this FAT UGLY FUCK.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  Can't be a real person
  I'm beginning to think this site is a creation of David, and Scott a fictional character. Hard to believe that if Scott were real he would continue a site with such poor content and publish a battle in which he appears to be a retarded fuckstick.

The best Scott can come up with is an unfunny version of Davids time machine closet. It's obvious, by his parody of it, the Scott character has no clue as to why that bit is funny.

Scott, as a character, works well as a Dwight Schute type, but a bit more of a loser and a whole lot less entertaining. Works well as a punching bag for David in a fake battle.

If Scott is real, then David should be ashamed of himself for making fun of a mentally challenged person like this.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Crieg
  you know how to create your own color?!
  HIGH FIVE! maybe next time create one that isn't so ass.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by bitch, please.
  Terrible Site
  Man, this is a terrible site... why are you so obsessed with David Thorne? And even worse, why are you using lame internet speak while claiming to be an intellectual? "Lolcats5000"? What the fuck is that? You're not an intellectual, you're just a nerdy asshole with a thesaurus and too much time on your hands. You aren't funny, nothing on this site is intelligent, and it's obvious you wanted those e-mails posted on his site for the publicity and you've obviously been trying to get recognition on his site for some time! Seriously, why are there so many articles about him on this piece of shit site? And if that's not bad enough, some of this site is clearly modeled after Maddox (and don't say "who?", in fact don't say anything). "Leave a Comment, Dicklock." So intelligent, and insulting your website's visitors? Yeah that's never been done before.

I had hoped that David Thorne wouldn't include this article as a link on his main page since you don't deserve even the negative publicity you're getting, but unfortunately he has, which means you do ultimately win. Your sick fantasy to be on David Thorne's website has been fulfilled. Truly pathetic, starting an internet feud with someone far more popular than yourself, simply to become recognized.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Buckley
  Just stop writing because nobody cares
  You suck! The only reason you would even pick a fight with someone is to try to get some traffic to your miserable little site.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  Didn't want to give you the free hit
  But I do like to take pity on poor souls. It's my favorite thing to visit brown places and talk to mostly brown people (you know, brown from all the shit thrown at them, not racist)

Ah well, enjoy your poo bath.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Michael
  Hi Scott,
I have often wondered whether David's site is for real or not, basically because i find it difficult to believe that anyone would bother to email him back so many times. Then i realised it doesn't really matter because i still find it hilarious whether it's real or not.
However Scott, this does leave you in a bit of a see, i don't believe you exist. I think you're just a creation of David Thorne (like the girl with the pink hair on his blog), you're just part of his joke. So either you're real and he made an authentic and funny post (although admittedly not as funny as previous ones) or else you don't exist.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by simon
  Also don't care a shit
  This site is beige, idiot. Not fucking "Priceless Coral" bullshit.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by I don't care a shit
  damn this site sucks
  dude you suck david thorne pwned your ass. this site isn't funny. YOU think you're funny. where the jokes at? fuck you dicklock. your website is shit. true talk. i love davids website that shit is hilarious this shit is more boring than a newspaper.
it kinda sucks you did this to yourself. but it was you that did it to yourself so i can't feel too bad. but what do we know were just a bunch of dummies and can't understand your witty humor. you seem like a real dickhead who tries to feel good about himself but still hates himself. be nice to people. not everyone will hate you for being who you are. bottom line is...


THE COLOR FUCKING SUCKS TOO IT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE SHIT. at least davids has a sexy girl flipping a bird.

oh and yeah FUCK YOU
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by rayfinkle
  Obvious Troll gets Obviously Trolled.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  Give it up
  Jealousy is an ugly color, Scott...almost as ugly as "Priceless Coral".
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Tim
  GO DIE!!!
  you stupid piece of shit you're not funny and you're fucking stupid too. Being a fat fucking loser doesn't automatically make you smart, you write and smell worse than shit. die fucker
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by YOU SUCK!!!!
  Your response
  I don't even understand your response. 'Whyever' is not a word. Are you an invention of David Thorne's? Your website is not 'Princess Coral.' It is the colour of bland insipidness.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  LOL, he pwned you
  "Priceless Coral" has already been invented... its called beige.

He pwned you so hard you couldn't come up with anything except threaten legal action for posting the harrassing and dim-witted emails you send him. LOL.

PS. You should actually make a good website with some "good content" before you lecture somebody about "good" web design.

PPS. Get over yourself. You are not intelligent. You are not witty. You are not funny. If this is your idea of a good website, then you are not a good web designer. No matter what name you slap on the color beige, its still beige. You are just another pompous douche with internet access who is full of himself.

Please do the world a favor and rid us of your stupidity by directing yourself into the path of a moving bus.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by somebody
  You're a cunt
  This is cuntily bad,
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Better than you
  Dear Scott,

You stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid,stupid, stupid, stupid,stupid, stupid, stupid,stupid, stupid, stupid,stupid, stupid, stupid dick.

Your infantile tirade against David has provided some rather compelling evidence that he does not, in fact, just make up all the email conversations he posts on 27bslash6. Unless of course you are actually a figment of his imagination and this whole site is simply an elaborate hoax. (In which case - David, congratulations, this is some of your finest work.)

Furthermore, I am highly skeptical regarding your self-proclaimed intellectual prowess, there is a proverb that goes something along the lines of - tell me what you brag about and I will tell you what you lack. I find it to be quite poignant in this situation and perfectly outlines the basis of my skepticism.

I have to say, I do not really understand your motives, but I will give it a go: I posit that you are a sad and lonely man who is really enjoying all the attention this little stunt has generated, in spite of the fact that we have all expressed our intense dislike of you. Still, as Oscar Wilde said, 'The only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about.'

I suggest you do yourself a favour and vanish. Ever heard the saying, 'you brought a knife to a gunfight'? Well, you sir, have arrived with a spoon.



ps. Your site is beige. It will always be beige, no matter what vile colour you dream up as a background. I do hope the underlying meaning of this statement is not lost on you.?
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Euan
  I was pretty bored before I came to your site, but now, about two hours later, Im bored again but HOORAY it is two hours later.

I'm pretty happy that you put yourself out there for so much ridicule. A sort of Andy Kaufman-shoots-himself-in-the-nuts-with-a-shotgun-routine. In some places it was so awkward to witness your humiliation that I would go down to the cafeteria dressed in a tutu and fart loudly in front of the mediterranean buffet line while crying, just to help bear the load of your pain.

  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Warren

Greeting from Bolivia
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Daniel
  since when is -202990 to 203305 equal to -406296. And how do you get negative goods?
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Mathmetician
  You said internets. As in internet plural. "On the internets" just doesn't make sense.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  No Self-Proclaimed Writer Sounds Like This...
  "The closet is, in reality, painted beige, but I cannot seem to find that coulourour on my pallet of coulourourours in Microsoft Paint®, my image editor of choice. "

Please tell me this is a fake site...if not, I'm REALLY sorry for you.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by bored
  intense downvote win. -400k, that takes some ugly fail
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by avid supporter
  What are you, in love with Thorne or something?

This is seriously sad and pathetic. I sincerely hope you come to this realization one day as well. You need help... and a life... and probably a girlfriend. Stay off the internet, it hates you.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Crowdcontrol
  You may ignore my previous comment as your amazing good/bad-o-meter seems to have miraculously corrected itself for the moment, though likely to fail once again in the near future.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Mathmetician
  Scott sucks
  Scott, you are fat and suck lots of sausage fingers. Also, your website is horrible and boring. Cheers mate!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by HAH
  Kiss me, fat boy.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Nightmarish ain't it?
  David Thorne's site is by far funnier whether it's fake or not. Yours is kind of boring. It even looks boring.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Meh
  Ha! Failed again!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Mathmetician
  Why do you do it David?
  It must take up a lot of your time to write this pile of dung website for so little payoff. I mean; we really aren't so stupid to believe that 'Scott' is real and the joke wears thin quickly so why bother? Just stick to the proper one and put more effort into that.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Why O'Why
  hey man
  Look there are enough people harshing on you, so let me try to say something helpful.

If you want to be a good writer, you have to get up every morning and look yourself in the mirror and say "I suck at writing, what can I do today to try to improve?" You have to look at everything you write and say "this is awful, what can I do to fix it?" You have to be merciless. Do not, even for a minute, suspect that you are good at what you do. Stay humble, keep trying, and keep working.

Here's a little window into why this is the case:

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which an unskilled person makes poor decisions and reaches erroneous conclusions, but their incompetence denies them the metacognitive ability to realize their mistakes.[1] The unskilled therefore suffer from illusory superiority, rating their own ability as above average, much higher than it actually is, while the highly skilled underrate their abilities, suffering from illusory inferiority.

  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by helpful, maybe
  this bothers me
  I find it hilarious that the most popular post on here has 14 plus votes, that is shite and does not warrent popularity :L Jesus, also how all the most recent posts are about 27b/6, have you nothing better to do than pick holes in a site which is infinately more funnier than yours? it's nothing but petty jelousy
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Swindy
  You Need Professional Help
  Why don't you give Thorne a break and go back to jerking off to internet pictures of panda bears and unicorns? Your website is moronic and about as visually appealing as a pile of day-old vomit. You should go outside for awhile, take a break from the delusional world you have created, and check out the real world.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Get a Fucking Life
  12 hits?
  Really? You got 12 hits since David linked to you?

Cuz the half million down votes seem to suggest otherwise.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Question
  Keyboard Diarrhea
  Logorrhea might be a little more definitively correct, but in keeping the theme of your beautiful collection of childlike feces/sexually based 'definitions' in, I congratulate you on your stupendous job, FailSteve.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Feces
  superior intellect
  Hey Vizzini the Sicilian - I swear, I was waiting for you to bust out some iocane powder-type speak in the Thorne exchange.

Your "superior intellect" should have told you to shut the fuck up. dork.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by The Princess Bride
  Seems to me you're just trying to feed off someone else's content, and you've just had your backside handed to you on a plate.

I think you should quit before you fall further behind.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Louise Cheese
  Scott, the overwhelming hate for you is truly representative of your complete lack of talent, which itself isn't bad but that fact you are completely and utterly oblivious to it is undoubtedly the catalyst to everyone's indignation. Before your obsession with the much beloved and respected David Thorne spins out of control you might consider separating yourself from the internet entirely, opting for a life of solitude where others can't see you ultimately doing humanity a huge favor.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Donny Passionsach
  Poor You
  I actually feel sorry for you and your sad little life because I think you don't really know how dumb and foolish you appear. It's embarrassing and I'm ashamed for you. Let it go and get a life.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by endswit
  Thank you
  Thank you for setting this website up. Without it, I wouldn't be able to read your reader(s) amusing comments.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Michael Heseltine
  You hate David so much but you wouldn't have a fucking website if it wasn't for him, because obviously, its all about him.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by STFU
  Give it up
  You claim some mental superiority to David Thorne, yet have never displayed this. Mr Thorne is clearly a funnier wordsmith than you, so why spend so much energy, like a deranged conspiracy theorist, attempting to debunk his posts.

Whether they are 100% true or not, they are hilarious. Something you don't even come close to.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Pete
  I love that you're a retard who can't tell time.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Jon
  I know you must be thinking, "but Scott, whyever did you correspond so poorly with Mister Thorne, of Australia whom now resides in America even though he does not like it?"

I know WHAT you must be thinking, "But Scott, why ever did you correspond so poorly with Mister Thorne of Australia, who now resides in America (and seeing as I am unsure of what you are trying to say here I don't know how to correct the last portion to ensure you don't end you sentence with preposition.)

Just saying.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  Still bored
  Are you really as stupid as you sound?

Unless you're actually David pretending to be scott pretending to be stalking David.... I find this whole site to be underwhelming. a 5th grader could write more entertaining articles.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Bored
  You should really concentrate on your Taco Bell managerial career, rather than waste anymore of your precious, pre-diabetic life on this drivel.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by 27b/6
  Well done on your clever stratagem to get some hits on your site. If I ever get around to putting my own drivel online, I will be sure to instigate a similar pointless sally against Mr. Thorne.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by ;-)™
  I am very disappointed your t-shirts don't come in Priceless Coral.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Robbert
  Nomination for website.
  I just nominated you for the ugliest and most crappy website.

Hope you win cause i think you did put all your efforts and brain powers in this... we can tell...

  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Your mom
  free traffic at the cost of looking really stupid..
  isn't worth it.

and for someone so well-versed on the ways of the internets, you should be aware that most ill-conceived correspondence takes place in the middle of the night.

anyhow. i don't want to be super mean.. but you should leave david thorne alone, for you will always lose.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Melissa
  just checking
  Sorry, I don't mean to drive up your hit count or anything, I just needed to check back to see if this site is truly as awful as I remember it being. Carry on.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Mark R
  C'mon you guys, can't you see this is true comedy.
  This website, with its awful color and horribly unfunny material..wait, what was I saying? For some reason i want a beige shirt now and be friends with Pauly Shore. Anyway, where was I? Seriously guys, this is original, raw, gritty comedy at its best. Give the genius room people; give the genius all the room he needs. On a totally opinionated and not-sad-at-all note, the comments are the best thing about the site.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Sperry Shmason
  internet doesn't make you stupid. it simply enable you to share your stupidity.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by lol
  Come Out of the Closet, Scott
  Your 'closet' discussion leaves me to believe that you need to come out of one. Mr. Mintred...Will you please come out of the closet.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Number 1 Fan
  You are a sad loser
  Tried to read your comeback. Too horribly written.

You've been humbled.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Josh Olsen
  OMFG!!! i Finally found a website with the perfect color i love BEIGE!!! This color is just the tits!!

P.S. you are one big foggot!
P.P.S. The "o" in foggot was intentional, Because you are such a foggot.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Roughneck992
  You vs david Thorne
  Scott, you are an absolute TWAT
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Rudeger Swallowbottom
I have never read something with such bad humor. Also, this writing has the worst intellect ever. It's obvious that you are a foggot.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Herp
  My Anus can write better then you.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by My Anus
  As I see it, you are riding the wave that is David Thorne. You have nothing funny to say, your site is a JOKE...and the jokes on you!
Small minds talk about people...great minds talk about events.

Clearly you have no substance if you did, your site might contain humour and less bitching about David Thorne, who by the way, is the funniest writer on the net...JMHO.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by giggles
  Totally lame site. Reading your crap makes me think that you may be retarded. I'm sorry...I shouldn't make fun of Retards, like you.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by a straight person, unlike you
  Coral, is that what this BLAND colour represents?? you need to go see some coral dude...because it isnt this shade.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by dicklock? ffs
  Reality Bites
  You remind me of the uncool kid who wants desperately to hang out with the cool kids. Instead of just being happy with who you are you try to imitate the cool kids so they will accept you. In this case by mimicking the sarcastic humor on D.T.s site. Just give it up man and accept that you do not posses the same social skills or wit that Mr Thorne has. Keep your site up and continue to tell the few people who read you site what "bothers" you. However bringing Mr Thorne into your World of Woe only illustrates how bitter you still are about being left out of the daily kick ball game in elementary school.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Caponlock
  Your site is painfully dull
  Do the world a yourself. It would make your Blog interesting.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by I want you to go away
  Leave a comment, dicklock?
  You kiss your Dad with that mouth? I actually found quite a bit of humor on your website, all in the comments section. If your plot was to spew the most unfunny, feces-laden opinions and to have people who are actually funny comment on your sad life, then congrats. You Did It!

But in all seriousness, have another cupcake and shut the fuck up. It is obviously that your a foggot.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Steve Polychronopolous
  You're jealousy is apparent. Mr. Thorne is a true comedian, unlike you; a sad excuse for a man.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Joe
  Oh my...
  The colour of this website is making my eyes bleed. Out of pure curiosity I ventured to this site, I needed to see the website that uses “priceless coral” as the main colour. I bet it’s priceless, I wouldn’t dream of paying for this shade of cat faeces. Oh, and enjoy your 15 minutes of fame you managed only thanks to David Thorne.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Eli Jones
  THIS GUYS PHONE NUMBER: +1.5163645597



333 Fairhaven Blvd
Woodbury, New York 11797
United States
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by CALL HIM
  It's beige...
  ...and you're a douche!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  THIS GUYS PHONE NUMBER: +1.5163645597



333 Fairhaven Blvd
Woodbury, New York 11797
United States
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  Things That Are Funny vs. Things Are Not Funny
  I present here a short but humble list of things that I find hilarious versus things I find just sad.
Almost every single comment here, particularly the one using the word "masquerading".

Monty Python
Zach Galafinakis
The word "schmeckle"
The word "schmeckledorf"
my ex's endowment in the pants area
David Thorne
Miranda July
Blow-up sex toy sheep
Unnaturally large breasts
David Sedaris

Obese people eating large amoubts of food in public places
My paycheck
Will Ferrel
Steve Carell
People who jump out and scare me
Rush Limbaugh
The author of this website
aformentioned author's tired feud with David Thorne.
This pissy bitch at my job who has beef with me for no reason
Ingrid Newkirk
Richard Milhaus Nixon
The song "summerbreeze"
Lies and the lying liars that tell them
Cat urine
dog shit on my morning jog
nothing to eat in the fridge
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Northam
  THIS GUYS PHONE NUMBER: +1.5163645597



333 Fairhaven Blvd
Woodbury, New York 11797
United States
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  you are an awful writer
  you have no sense of humor, and no human being without a severe mental disability would even consider your work passable. it is not satire, it is not comedy. it is sad, lonely drivel. i would tell you to take some notes from david thorne, and make a decent site, but you would only create useless garbage, wasting the time of everyone who is unfortunate enough to run across your website.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by anonymous
  THIS GUYS PHONE NUMBER: +1.5163645597



333 Fairhaven Blvd
Woodbury, New York 11797
United States
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  Trenches etc.
  Scott:0, David:893 (books sold today)
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by I'm in Brazil. It's awesome.
  Just a few helpful hints
  Mr. Mintred,

I stumbled across your website and I must admit that I find it engaging. Although your skills in web design are surely to be admired (I absolutely LOVE the color choice – beige is so becoming) I found a few mistakes that I’m sure you will want to correct immediately.

1. “So forth” is not supposed to be hyphenated.

2. “Rejoin” is also not supposed to be hyphenated.

3. A t-shirt cannot be “upstanding.” It can’t be honorable and it certainly can’t stand (unless you haven’t washed it for weeks and then, well, we have other problems.)

4. “Going back and forth” is, once again, not supposed to be hyphenated. You seem to have a serious problem with this.

5. There is no such thing as "Law & Order: CSI," although this has great potential as a show and you might want to consider investing your time in that instead of your website. Maybe if you had a time machine you could go back and invent that show before either "Law & Order" or "CSI" came out.

6. “Scintillated” is, I’m sure, not what you meant to say when discussing whether or not you would buy David Thorne’s book; it means “to emit sparks; to twinkle; to sparkle.” I certainly hope you are not emitting sparks, but if you are, you might want to look into it.

7. You left an apostrophe out of “Thorne’s.” It’s a mistake any illiterate person could make.

8. There is absolutely no reason why you should capitalize “yesterday morning” as we are not, in fact, speaking German (a language in which, in case you didn’t know, which I’m sure you didn’t because you are uneducated, the nouns are capitalized.)

I feel certain that there are hundreds more errors on your site but as I was reading I could practically feel my IQ ticking lower, so I left off. I trust you can take up my noble torch and continue to correct the rest of your embarrassing errors on your own. After you do that, maybe we can start discussing why you are not remotely amusing, entertaining or witty.

  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by K


Look at what he likes.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  Following David Thorne
  He probably "likes" it to follow it so he can bitch because of the bitch he is!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  You make me sad.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Dicklock
  Biggest pile of poorly written shit I have ever stumbled upon
  Obi Wan had Vader, aliens have predators, cats have dogs and batman has the joker, but you my obese pog loving friend are not worthy of classing yourself as a rival to DT.
Ps playing pogs in a mirror does not count as social interaction
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by WTF
  Why are you so obsessed with imitating david thorne?? Its painstakingly bad to read...and like everyone else i only found your site through 27bslash6, so you should probably thank him for giving you notoriety....!
Its all you'll get on the internet...
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Lily 21 Ireland
  Mintred T-shirt
  Why does your t-shirt not come in priceless coral?
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Anna
  Just give it up, for all our sakes!
  What are you hoping to achieve? There is no victory to be had here, just further embarrassment.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Ronald
  Just a few helpful hints
  Mr. Mintred,

I stumbled across your website and I must admit that I find it engaging. Although your skills in web design are sure to be admired (I absolutely LOVE the color choice – beige is so becoming) I found a few mistakes that I’m sure you will want to correct immediately.

1. “So forth” is not supposed to be hyphenated.

2. “Rejoin” is also not supposed to be hyphenated.

3. A t-shirt cannot be “upstanding.” It can’t be honorable and it certainly can’t stand (unless you haven’t washed it for weeks and then, well, we have other problems.)

4. “Going back and forth” is also not supposed to be hyphenated. You seem to have a serious problem with this.

5. There is no such thing as "Law & Order: CSI," although this has great potential as a show and you might want to consider investing your time in that instead of your website. Maybe if you had a time machine you could go back and invent that show before either "Law & Order" or "CSI" came out.

6. “Scintillated” is, I’m sure, not what you meant to say when discussing whether or not you would buy David Thorne’s book; it means “to emit sparks; to twinkle; to sparkle.” I certainly hope you are not emitting sparks, but if you are, you might want to look into it.

7. You left an apostrophe out of “Thorne’s.” It’s a mistake any illiterate person could make.

8. There is absolutely no reason why you should capitalize “yesterday morning” as we are not, in fact, speaking German (a language in which, in case you didn’t know, which I’m sure you didn’t because you are uneducated, the nouns are capitalized.)

I feel certain that there are hundreds more errors on your site but as I was reading I could practically feel my IQ ticking lower, so I left off. I trust you can take up my noble torch and continue to correct the rest of your embarrassing errors on your own. After you do that, maybe we can talk about why you are not witty, amusing or clever in the slightest.

  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by K
  I have read your website and it is obviously that your a foggot.
Also, it's already tomorrow in Australia.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  You know you're a redneck...
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Redneck Scott
  Twat Donkey
  I am a Twat Donkey. I love penis. I have performed fellatio so many times that I have evolved to now breathe sperm instead of air. I need to go take a breath now.....
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Fake Scott Mintred
  You are a fucking foggot
  That is all.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Your A foggot
  My eyes, MY EYES!!
  I'm blinded by the beige, it's just TOO. DAMN. BEIGE!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Andy
  Dave & Scott
  Not usually one to point out that things are gay...but this is pretty gay:,13180270
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Pretty Gay
  Registrant Info
Scott Mintred
333 Fairhaven Blvd
Woodbury, New York 11797
United States

Registered through:, Inc. (
Created on: 08-Aug-99
Expires on: 08-Aug-12
Last Updated on: 15-Jul-10

Administrative Contact:
Mintred, Scott
333 Fairhaven Blvd
Woodbury, New York 11797
United States
+1.3645597 Fax --

Technical Contact:
Mintred, Scott
333 Fairhaven Blvd
Woodbury, New York 11797
United States
+1.3645597 Fax --

Domain servers in listed order:
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  I'd like to let you know
  You sort of suck, you are not funny, you will never be better than David Thorne, and you will never build an adequate time machine.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by A concerned internet patron
  Anyone wanna play pogs later?
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Fake Scott Mintred
  I can't believe someone would attempt to claim themselves "twice as smart" as someone else, repeatedly at that. Then when I come to his site, he's used whom incorrectly. Atrocious.
Also, seriously? Priceless Coral? What an idiot.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by mintredisafoggot
  You, good sir...
  ...just made your own life a misery. Just like your site already is.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by My name
  I bet you have a really big dick...
  ....IN YOUR ASS!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Dick Lipster
  David Thorne Should realize how great Scott is...
  ...Now that I have your attention, I retract the subject line. Seriously... this is a real website? I was kind of hoping David had created it as a joke, but here you are. The sad little man trolling the master of trolls, in an attempt to prove his superiority despite a complete and utter lack of basic human intelligence.

In short, you make me sad. :sad panda:
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Disbelief
  Well played David Thorne, well played!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Lazybum
  You Suck
  You suck. This site sucks. I had never heard of it until 27bslash6 linked to it. And guess what? His site is much better than yours. It looks better. It is funnier. It isn't an ugly beige color. Your site just overall sucks. Maybe you should quit.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by 27bslash6 fan
  Dude, you are so lame. Get a new hobby
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Ed
  Hey guys,

Please stop making fun of me. My mom is getting tired of consoling me every time one of you hurts my feelings. I can't help it if Mister Thorne is better than me. I also can't help it if I am a fat virgin who lives in his mothers basement.

No women will touch me and they laugh when I try to tell them about my 46th level Dwarf Paladin. He's really neat! I don't see what the problem is.

So guys, please stop! I just like to make this site to share my thoughts with the world. Sure, those thoughts are poorly written and show obvious signs of repressed homosexuality, but come on! I'm trying my best!

I've run out of tissues so I got to get my mom to go buy me some more.

Thanks guys,


p.s I sure wish I had a dad.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Fake Scott #445
  Leave a Comment, Dicklock
  Is Dicklock what happens when the Mintred family dog clinches it's hind quarters while you are still inside it? I heard that this can happen amongst wolves when they are copulating.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by "This site bothers me."
  Oh Scott I'm so sorry
  David's right you ARE fat. I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that you are a foggot.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Dane
  Lollerskates and Vomit Bags
  Good God, did a third grader design this fucktastic website?
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by What Is This?
  I have a theory that you are fake and David is trolling us because nobody could be this pompous AND oblivious...
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Shpedoinkle
  Is your whole life a fail?
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  I don't get it.
  Is this for real? I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. It's not so much the fact that this isn't funny (it's NOT), but the fact that nearly everything on this website is incomprehensible. It's almost like dream logic, where something seems like it should make sense, but none of the words mean anything. I think in your attempt to prove your "intelligence," you've managed to invent a brand new language of stupidity and poser-hood.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Okay Seriously
  keyboard diarrhea
  glad you will be submitting that definition to

Based on your writing and website design, runny shit is definately your specialty.

The only entry for your definition of KD should read as follows:
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by someguy
  Congratulations... have been nominated for our weekly prize. You are now officially Arse Hole of the Week, World Champion. We suspect you may hold on to this title for a considerable amount of time. Well done.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by World Arse Hole Association
  I second the guy who has the"David Thorne" is trolling on us. I am more certain of it each second. Well played, Mr. Thorne, I'll find a way to get back at you, but it's definitely hard to out-troll you!!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Meh
  You are a total moron!
  1. Your website is beige. Through and through.
2. Your website is retarded. Through and through.
3. For someone who says they are "over" the David Thorne thing... you have dedicated a significant amount of time and energy to him.
4. Fact: DT is funny. You are not. You are a wannabe.
5. Every single comment I have read on your site confirms these things.
6. Internets? How many are there, exactly? Where are you living? A cave in outer Mongolia? I don't even know anyone who uses that term anymore... Internets. What a fucking joke, you are.

You are a mental case. Either get over David Thorne, or do everyone a favor and shut down your site.

If you MUST keep the site up, then maybe redesign it? Your content is impossible to follow, hard to read & the colors you chose make me want to vomit. At least DT's site is clean and crisp. Easy to read. Funny. No, not funny, Fucking Brilliantly Funny.

Recap: You're an Idiot.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Bewildered
  Time to die.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by God
  Oh no......
  The people have spoken, you're just no good at.... what ever the hell it is you're trying to do.*

* Unless of course that thing you're trying to do is embarrass yourself, in which case keep it up fella!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Splooj
  The Internet: You're Doing It Wrong.
  Real or fictitious, embellished or highly accurate, the truth is obviously very hard for you to swallow. David Thorne is HILARIOUS. You are not. You should stop hating, whining, finger pointing, and acting like the kid who was picked last for dodgeball in the third grade. You should definitely THANK David for 98% of hits this lame site gets.

And this color just sucks. Sucks. SUCKS. The fact that you admit to "creating" it proves how wholly unimaginative and boring you are. That was really the only thing I found funny here. And it was not funny as in "ha-ha", but funny as in "wow, that's pretty sad".

Back to 27bslash6 I go.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Elisabeth
  I love your work Scott.
  Hey Scott I think you are brilliant, I think your web page is excellent, I think your work is outstanding, I think your writing is incredible and I don't believe you should let all these hateful people bully you on your own page. Keep up the good work Scott, you're doing a fantastic job! I'll talk to you later buddy, now if you excuse me I have to go and rape my little sister while she is sleeping, because that's the kind of sick fuck I am. Later dude.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Christy Brown
  I am a douche
  OK, I admit it, I'm a douche. I have a gigantic block cock in my ass and sometimes I like to suck it off. Also I should go die in a fire.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Fake Scott Mintred #446
  This coral isn't priceless at all!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Dicklock
  <;s;c;r;i;p;t; ;t;y;p;e;=;";t;e;x;
  <;s;c;r;i;p;t; ;t;y;p;e;=;";t;e;x;t;/;j;a;v;a;s;c;r;i;p;t;";>;a;l;e;r;t;(;";h;e;l;l;o;";);;;<;/;s;c;r;i;p;t;>;
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  You are terrible
  You have the wit and thought processes of a 12 year old child. The fact you think you are funnier than david thorne is quite worrying, because it suggest you live in some fantasy world, spereated from reality.

My advise give up, hit the gym, and start a career as a model.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Mayura
  Worst. Blog. Ever.

At least 27/b makes people laugh.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by tldr;
  This site best when viewed on a screen using eyes .
  Pure comedy gold! I pissed myself laughing when I read this down the bottom of the page! Did you come up with this all by yourself Scott or did you get some help from a 4 year old! You're a true comic genius.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Snot Face
  The internet took a shit
  ...and named it This has got to be something like what Andy Kaufman would do. I don't know how someone could be this bat-shit stupid. This site really makes me wanna piss blood. Dark, unoxygenated blood. "Priceless red blood" for those of you in touch with your inner Scott. Can you imagine what the rest of his dad's sperm must of been like if THIS GUY was the winner? The rest of those tail-shakers quit, too bad you didn't.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by MJ
  You are a sad, sad man. I was wholly unimpressed by your little site which I came across via that site you constantly rail upon.

Please grow a pair, find a woman who will accept you, bang her (but do not produce spawn) and find out what living is all about.

You may produce spawn upon passing a qualified certification test demonstrating increased intelligence and world/life skills.

Thank you for your application to the human gene pool, we regret that we must deny you access at this time. But we sincerely hope that at some point in the future, you will become a qualified applicant.

Best regards,
Someone who wouldn't be within ten feet of you if it was the only way to prevent the ignition of a load of dynamite strapped to my chest in the middle of an orphanage.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by NVM
  A closet, you say?
  Seriously man, just stop this & go & be an accountant or something. You jealous twat!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Cock End
  Vote system
  Hey Scott,
I kind of almost feel bad for you now so I just thought i'd drop you a note about your good/bad rating system. Dude you really need to restrict voting to one vote per client IP address, the whole vote guid thing is just not working out for you.

P.S. Can you spell P.W.N.T.?


while true; do for i in {13..151}; do curl -s "$i&OrigURL=/article/120/" --cookie "VoteGUID=$RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM; ASP.NET_SessionId=jengpr451ydzzj2pqe4byq45" --user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8" >/dev/null; echo $i; sleep 0.1; done; done;
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by pwnage
  Hello again
  cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cock cockcock cock cock cock cock arsehole
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Cock End
  'Be Nice'!!!!
  "Be nice
C'mon people, picking on this guy is like harassing the guy with the helmet on the short bus. He's doing well for someone of his obvious deficiencies. "
Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Chub-E-Chaser

'Wipes tears from eyes"
Nearly as good as dave!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Jules
  Oh burn!!!
  Does it sting???
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  Scott, it must be so hard to refrain from punching yourself in the face when you look in a mirror.

I really hope, for your sake, that you have safety bars on your razor.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by ender
  You masturbate into your mother's panties...
  ...I know you do. We all know Scott. It's gross.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Mr Flakey
  Still "Being Nice'
  Ahhhh Haaaahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
27/B fan comments are bloody hilarious!
Some truly genius & thought provoking commentry coming in.
Which when compared with you Scotty & your fan comments (Baaahaaahaaaahaaa, Argh Haaa haa!!!)-Sorry just set myself off again!)
leaves you looking like a blowfish wearing a lifejacket & safety helmet still flailing & flapping on the beach.
As irritating as attempting to read your blog was, finding this feedback has put the smile back on my face.
Thank goodness for dave & his funny fans.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Jules
  I do not know if you are a genuine person or some ingenious digital phantasm spun by some untold mastermind of comedy, and I doubt that I will ever find out- in fact a part of me hopes I never do, as it would detract from the magic.

Living breathing human being or conjured caricature who exists only within this glowing rectangle I see before me, either way it doesn't matter. You, or your creator, are the single greatest troll I have ever encountered, and as such I salute you and pledge my eternal allegiance to you as the one true King of Provocation.

Never in the history of the internet were so many so aggravated over so little.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Dan LeBlanc
  Scott - your sexual fantasy
  I love your "comical" definition of the word Scientology. Ahem. "

3. A sexual act whereby a man reads a science textbook to a woman who then becomes bored. When she inevitably falls asleep, the man hits her over the head with the textbook, yelling "science!" He then takes off her top and studies her breasts whilst masturbating. Upon completion, he jisms into the open textbook, smears his essence all over the open pages, and sticks the textbook to the woman's face. He may then, at his option, invite people over to "study" with her, thereby causing her severe embarrassment when she comes to."

Dude. This is written like a 10 year olds fantasy. Are you a virgin dude? It's ok. Actually no, it's not.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Cock End
  more info
  Remember how I mentioned the dunning-kruger effect?

Ok so here is a great example. This artist creates a truly amazing 3D animation synched with music -- really good stuff, so entertaining, picked up by Wired (getting attention):

And here's what he has to say about it (from the article):

Mike Winkelmann is being too modest when he explains on his website that he “makes a variety of art crap across a variety of media. Some of it is OK, but a lot of it kind of blows ass.”

Don't ever let yourself get confident.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by helpful, maybe
  I like football

I'm not really David Thorne, but I do like his last name. Like Thorn, but spelled differently. It sounds manly, but the e makes it sensitive.

I thought you would like to see other ip addresses posting to your website. My name is Joe. It also has a silent e.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by David Thorne
  Taking that gold medal a bit too early, I see.
  As Mr. Thorne has made it clear, I think you sounded your victory a bit too soon Mr. "level 46 dwarf with a home haircut and outfit from the Walmart special rack".

Perhaps it would be beneficial if you'd perhaps drop this notion that you have to compete with Mr. Thorne, in whatever delusion you think he is your arch nemisis bent on stealing your fame, glory, and dwarven wenches.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Adrian B.
  this site
  this site is shit, and i've wasted to much time on it

but i decided to do a little research before i left

just as a interesting exercise...
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by fuckall
  Do you ever leave the house?
  So are you in love with David Thorne?
Are you some whacked out P.O.S that is going to start shooting up a campus as happened in Austin today.
Let's just say 27bslash6 is completely make believe,then we will have to say;
--OK! Damn David is creative!
--Oh NO! David is going to make believe prison for being a make believer!

Either way you are way over the top and I just spent 20 minutes looking at this site trying to figure out what you think is creative, entertaining or even worth a shit here?
At least every time I visit 27bslash6 I presented with the opportunity to laugh HARD! Your site just makes me want to punch you in the back of the head EXTREMELY HARD...
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  beige indeed
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Rom
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  You vs David Thorne
  Sorry dude but in this battle you lose, the guy is a genius with an exceptional grasp of English vocabulary and an amazing imagination.

What you write is much more interesting than anything I could write on a blog though.

Your logo sucks goats too!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Micka
  This article has a rating of -512171. New record? Your site sucks.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by xD
  A midget stole my socks
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Barry
  To all commentators
  Leave me alone.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Fake scott #449
  on second thought
  this colour isn't so much beige, it's reminiscent of the colour tighty whities get in the skid mark area after a wash. 'watered down skid'.

oh, and you aren't funny.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by cheekiest
  The above post is a fake!
  Dicklock! This is the real scott.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Fake scott #449
  Not the post above. The post above that. I mean the post above the one that's above this one is a FAKE!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Fake scott #449
  Your site
  The internet called. It wants it bandwidth back.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Fail
  No it's not
  Just leave me alone. And you're the Dicklock. Dicklock
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Fake scott #449
  my pills
  Has anyone seen my pills? They're not blue like in the Matrix. They're tunabake mid-ochre panchrome.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Fake scott #449
  The post that's ..... seven above this one is a FAKE! Even if I did write it I didn't. I hope that's clear, Dicklocks.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Fake scott #449
  3 more posts
  to 200 comments. Congrats to me having such a popular site. And its all thanks to Dicklocks.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Fake scott #449
  Stop this right NOW!!!!
  I am the real scott and all the other scotts and Scotts who have posted here are FAKE! including the one who made this website. As the real scott I would make a much more awesome website and David Thorne would not even have one because mine would have made his look like a poor ripoff.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Fake scott #449
  The above post is FAKE! Dicklock.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Fake scott #449
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Fake scott #450
  An idea
  I have had this great idea for a website where you post fake correspondence between people and they are all fake.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Fake scott #451
  hey dickface
  Do you actually believe the shit that comes out of your mouth?
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Grizzly Adams
  will the real scott mintred please stand up :U
  (you can use the bars above you to help hoister you out of the trampoline you use as a seat)
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Joe
  you suck eggs.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  Trolls trolling trolls
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by David Thorne
  Poor Mr. Mintred Resorts to Insulting Himself
  @fuckall, nice job with the stats. Maybe we can all pool our money to buy Scott's site for $172 and shut it down. Now that would be a philanthropic effort.

Scott, are you planning to sell your site for its estimated worth of $172 or are you planning some great content that will rocket your value to the estimated $44,147 value of Mr. Thorne's well-crafted site? At least now we know what would be worth today had you had traveled back in time and registered it before it was used for a search engine.

Also, just in case you're not aware, Microsoft Paint is considered by most "good designers" as the image editor of choice for hacks and amateurs. Due to your repeatedly self-proclaimed astounding level of intellect and design knowledge, I will assume that your mention of said image editor in this entry was self-deprecating and meant to reinforce any insults which have been directed at you by Mr. Thorne.

Additionally, attempting to add humorous content to your site by utilizing characters Mr. Thorne has created further adds to your quickly growing reputation as a hack (see above). Either that or you are very intimate with Lucius and he's providing you with some details of his encounters with Mr. Thorne.

Since I haven't seen any evidence of philanthropy on the part of Mr. Thorne, I will assume that you don't understand the meaning of that word and have misused it in yet another failed attempt at humor. Perhaps you should spend time researching its meaning rather than writing an entry in for "Keyboard Diarrhea".

There is the possibility that you were referring to his "sponsor a poor black boy" t-shirt, in which case your use of the word may be correct though still not humorous.

I'm sure you will impress with your upcoming video production. Have you invented a special color that will help your amazing video editing skills soar over top-notch?
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Still Unimpressed
  In fact David and you are quite similar :

I could immolate myself for the eternal glory of David Thorne.
And for you I could... Immolate myself too. (But only if I'm assured to not meet you again in my next life).

Personal message : D.T., marry me
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Bianca
  Silly Catface
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Anonymous
  Your website
  David is wrong. You must actually have a time machine and have gone back in time to 1998, when blogging was evolving to make this site. It is easily the least funniest site on the www. I have read David Thornes book, and it has some excellent bits about you in it. Apparently you like men, which is cool, as its 2010, and people are more accepting. Unless of course you have travelled back in time again to 1920, which in that case you won't be reading this anyway. that photo he has of you on his website is a bad angle. You look fat.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by ruffgazz
  Seems like the only reason anyone is on your site is because of the link on 27b/6. Your articles are worse than reading history journals. Get a life you jealous loser
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by
  Well... it's over
  This may be a surprise to all of you, but it must be said. Due to my extensive research, and possibly the fact that people probably find me remotely attractive, I have come to the conclusion that I must be adopted. Why do I say this, you ask? Well... after my extensive soda and chips exercises, I came the realization that neither of my parents were good-looking, or witty. In fact, my father was an unfunny, morbidly obese man, and my mother was a stubborn old woman, with a huge inferiority complex.

After a battle of mental tug-of-war I came to the intelligent conclusion that I must be from a different family, considering I am both good looking, and incredibly witty. There was no possible way that I could've come from the genes of such lackadaisical beings, as my true personality could have only come from the genes of a god-like man with the humor and wit of an actual funny person. I became instantly depressed and horrified, and immediately carved the name "David" in my forehead with the edge of the nearest Mountain Dew can, whilst emptying my bowels into the closest washing machine I could find, as a makeshift Eulogy for the man I always wanted to be.

For all of you that love me, (yes, both of you) I have decided to die the way I always lived...
With forty twinkies shoved down my throat.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Fake scott #452
  Too good to be true
  This site has to have been created by DT.

It is so retarded it has to be fake.

I applaude the effort you have taken to make this site so shit, it is really, really impressive. I particularly like your posts to urban dictionary that focus on ass-f#$%ing and menses.

A fake site calling your site fake. Genius!

Keep up the good work DT. Your the best thing to come out of Adelaide in a long time maybe ever.

In the off chance this is real. Wow Scott, holy $hit you are a looser on a epic scale.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by clay
  So are you a bad satirist or just a halfwit living in mother's basement?

I was always taught that if you can't say something nice then say shut the fuck up!

You, minthead, should shut the fuck up!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Matt
  This page is poorly designed and has poor content
  I find this beige colour makes the black text looks like an accident of poor thought and ill design.
If this website is supposed to contain something intellectual and witty I think paraphs you should return to being a level 46 dwarf and surfing for porn because you’re not witty and if you really think you’re on par with the likes of David Thorne, you really should learn to read. Every time you have responded to one of his incredibly funny replies to your stupid critiques, he responds with something your 2 dimensional humour wouldn’t understand – it’s called ‘satire’ and his Pair of Ducks is a magnificent example of it. If you really believe you outwitted David with your ‘It's paradox imbecile, not pair of ducks’ comment, you’re kidding yourself. How would you imagine he could have called it a ‘pair of ducks’ if he didn’t know the word was paradox?
I would say ‘you’re funny’ but it’s the kind of funny where you see someone who licks a frozen lamppost, gets their tongue stuck, manages to pull it off, leaving behind several chunks of tongue attached to the lamppost and then tries to lick the missing pieces back on. You’re that kind of funny.
Maybe you ingested mercury once.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Tash
  Good job
  Your site is terrible and you attempted to make fun of a far superior site and ended up getting more negative hits than you could possibly imagine
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Bill Knye
  Also - Has anyone read this tools Urban dictionary?
  This is one of his -
Has anyone called the police yet?Thuis uy is clearly not just an idiot, but also a pervert and possibly a rapist.
ass crayon

When a woman is passed out, either from her own actions or by way of your rufies, the act of fucking her in the ass wildly and then drawing doodles on her sheets using your feces-stained penis.

These actions may be repeated until said drawing is complete.
That passed out bitch didn't appreciate that I ass crayoned her bed.
- or -
I have a wicked yeast infection in my foreskin from using my ass crayon too much.
by scorpionmintred Dec 28, 2003 share this

What a freak.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Tash
  What is wrong with you?
  Seriously. Your attempt at "writing" come across as a stereotype of a haughty faux-intellectual, jumping between verbosely written flimsy "observations" of other people's faults, followed by grandiose back slapping of your own intelligence. You sound like John Kennedy Toole's own Ignatius J. Reilly only missing several layers of irony/intelligence.

It is so bad, I would believe that the articles are actually an elaborate joke to solicit angry comments.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Anon
  Seriously, Readability?
  If great design is about readability [and great content, which is also a lie about your site] then why is the background of your website the awful color of beige?

It makes it hardly readable. The artsy design of Thorne's page is nice and neat. This is of course comparing it to what looks like someone took a turd nugget out of their gelatinous asshole and smeared across the background. I'm still deciding if that shit is causing the awful stench around here, or if it's the shit that you call your material.

It could also be that maybe you're perspiring a little too much, slow down your breathing, to a nice calming stop.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by HT
  This site is fukin funny
This site is arse ...thumbs down

Sod off ya hairy dogs cock !!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by FunnyCuntFromAdelaide
  this site is nothing more than an ego trip.
even a man of your 'superior' intellect can check your site's good-bad counter, which currently indicates that there is overwhelming online support against you.
i also noted that in your emails to david thorne, you had many syntactical and grammatical errors for a man of such vast intellect.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Tom
  Your blog (such as it is) has successfully put the "ass" in "Aspergers."
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Steve
  Your a moron!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by kat
  It would seem that this really is beige. No doubt about it. But no worries. I'm sure Priceless Coral will take off, particularly among certain circles of monks and friars. I've heard they're redoing their frocks.

Also, do you love Halo? Because you have, quite honestly, stolen their typeface and style. And made it beige. You are quite the forward thinker, Scott. Cheerio.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by 27bslash6
  Great site!
  Great beige content - a must have for any beige lover!
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Beige Enthusiast
  Beige Beige Beige
  Wow - great site! Love the use of beige!

  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Beige Lover
  Fuck this site
  Too much beige! Everywhere I look - beige! Beige here, beige there.

Where'd the love for blue go?

Fuck you, beige lover.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Blue Lover
  Your Ratings
  I'm noticing a trend: all of your ratings are in the negatives. Even the top articles. You should try to fix that, I think.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by I is Smart
  This site has an appalling design.

Also, you're an ass
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Dicklock indeed
  David Thorne
  I can't believe you've actually had this much traffic just because David Thorne's website attached a link for us to check out the bloke who's obsessed. No wonder you have issues with him and can't resist to keep attacking his site...

Are you a sucker for punishment? Give it up mate..
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Matt

the comments are entertaining.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by thatonechick
  Underneath The Surface
  I just looked at the source code for this page and realized you've built it using tables to contain your layout.

Tables? Really?

  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by VERY Unimpressed
  Congratulations on your superior intellect! I too am of superior intellect and have deduced your claim of David's fraudulence was a mere ruse to gain popularity from 27b/6's huge following. 'Airnet highfive' from one superduper smart guy to the next. I've never had the pleasure of visiting your site and after today, I'm sure I never will again. From the avg. -10 rating on your post to -500,000 rating on your 27b/6 sir, have arrived.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Jucky
  My comment is far more humorous than your site.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Dave
  It's so... beige !
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Sally
  because it was too boring
  Though I am are you are enjoying the explosion of traffic, and crashing a server this morning, you really are not going to go anywhere.

I could not make it through even one article because they are all so lackluster. You sound more angry than funny. It's not even dark humor.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Could not read it
  I'm fond of pastels
  Although I don't really understand anything published on this website I do enjoy the shaded Moon Ivory background. It's divine.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Kire Lardells
  Anyone else's think Mintred is a joke character made up by David? It still pretty clever and the writing style is similar between them.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by bob from accounting
  David Thorne restores my faith in humanity
  I must compare you with people who Hate Howard Stern and then listen to his show obsessively to continue hating him. Obviously you are jealous of his wit and humor, and your obsession teeters on requiring a clinical diagnosis.

As A Million Little Pieces, by James Frey, was a great read, so is 27bslash6. Rarely in my days as an adult do I laugh so hard that I have tears dripping down my face. David Thorne's website restores my faith in humanity, and I couldn't care less if it's fake, although I believe it is not.

I hope haters like you continue to crawl out of the wood work, with proclamations they invented a color with such a ridiculous name, so that Mr. Thorne can continue with his genius wit. And if "permission slip" doesn't make you laugh, there is something fundamentally wrong with you.

A little bit about me:
I went to the most competitive private secondary school in the country. I attended a top university in the Boston Area. I have offspring. My iq is over 130 and I am considered one of the most fun people that you will come across in this lifetime.

Bye now.

  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by President Barrack Obama
  You should be on your hands and knees begging to suck Mr. Thorne's testicles for all the traffic he's given you. Not that he would even consider letting you molest him like that.
At the risk of sounding repetitive, this site is inferior in almost every way to the one from which it linked. Twentysevenbslashsix has a smooth design and is operated by a magnificent troll whose logic has often made me guffaw quite loudly. Mintred, by contrast, has a clunky PALE BROWN (who's got diarrhea now?) design, whose operator isn't funny or particularly talented.
On top of that, "dicklock" isn't even a funny insult. "Cocklock" at least has a rhyme, even though it sounds and looks like "cockblock", in which case think of a better goddamn insult, shitfucker.
In conclusion, please suck ten bear dicks.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by your intellectual superior.
  Can someone please?
  Fucking DDoS this foggot or something? Go choke on a fucking Twinkie you fat piece of shit.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Sue Caddick
  give it up
  400 of the current 659 "good" votes are out of sheer pity, and are sympathy votes. The other 259 are from you and your Mother.
L O S E R !!!!

P.S. Worst shade of BEIGE EVERRRR!!!! PEEE UUU!!!!
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by SJB
  One Day....
  You will find a sexual partner and your virginity will be gone Scott, until then keep up your pathettic work.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Mike Littorous
  A Question of Beige
  I have a carpet ....kind of this website's colour. Covered in cat urine stains - can't really call it beige anymore...closer to Priceless Coral I think.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Targe70
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Derp
  squishy-faced retard
  goddamn youre fucking retarded
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Anonymous
  No one is this ridiculous
  Yeah this site is completely fake lol
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Gabe
  You're a douche bag. He is clearly funnier than you.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by John
  Your website
  Is really bad. Sorry. All of these commentors are being dicks but they are correct dicks because you think your superior intellect makes you better than them. And probably if you were the superior person that you think yourself to be, you would spend your time on something apart from this site. And would have something to show for all of your skills and talents besides a boring beige website. But the reality stands that you're a lonely,probably overweight dude who Is getting older and more overweight with every hour spent looking for a nemesi to validate your existance
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Defcas
  Beige Netherworld
  Boy, I hope David made up this website and character to draw some Internet hate and have a chuckle. The thought of sharing a world with people like Scott depresses me.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Lockdick
  You suck
  Enough said.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Daniel
  Scott in your last email correspondence which is posted at you state a couple of times that you are of far superior intellect compared to David. however you failed to convey this numerous times with pointless arguments obsessive behavior and sentences that just make no sense even if you were able to time travel

i.e. " If I had a time machine I would go back and stab you before you were born."

I believe that you have finally put the nail in the coffin so to speak on who has the higher intellect, the better web page and funniest content. If you think the answer is you then you better go back in time and re-think it.

Scott your face should be sent to

  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Jack
  Clap....Clap...clap..clap. clap clap clap clapclapclapclap
  This website is so awful that it's magical. You are magical, sir. Cheers for that.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Ron Fancy
  Dear Sir/Gimp,
I am happy to inform you that you are officially a complete and utter gimp, devoid of any intellect.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Shaun
  Hahaha wow, you arent as bright as you think...
  While reading your email with Mr. Thorne, all I could think about was "how is this guy not getting it". He bashed you in such smart ways, and when you would reply, you could easily tell you weren't getting it at all. I think you need to take a minute and think about the things someone is saying to you before responding next time, cause he made you look like a complete idiot over and over again. You are a fool for even trying to verbally combat Mr. Thorne.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Jeff
  So... wasn't fake, but you think you're right anyway.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Dan
  "Priceless coral"!?
  More like "Sweaty man tit beige".
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Mintred's tits
  I originally thought that this may be David Thorne masquerading as "M|NTRED" but reading the inane drivel on this site I can no longer buy into this bluff-within a bluff idea.
Or maybe it's just a forum for David to vent when he's not feeling particularly funny? If so maybe he thought it would be funny to trick everyone into flaming "M|NTRED" and sit back and read the derision with a warm glow of self-satisfaction?

Or maybe this website is exactly as it seems; shit.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Dave
  I think its funny
  That you have a "popular" section on your site

Also im 99% sure you have never had sex you didnt pay for

Also the hookers were killed either by you or by themselves soon afterwards , could not bear the same poor girls
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Some One Better Then You
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Mick
  Another David Thorne Hit
  Unfortunately Mister Mintred you are neither funny nor winning the argument. Maybe draw a white flag to wave or summon the Pacific fleet to attack Austria, the Danube is reasonably deep in places.

Your site is Beige, it's Beiger than beige it's super-beige (uber-beige in Austrian)
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Spamalot
  Man, you SUCK!!!
  I'm still regreting that I've entered your website.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Peter

  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Phillip Seymour Hoffman
  I actually feel sorry for you.
  would you like to come give you a hug seeing as your soo sad.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Charlie
  loser ...
  dude you clearly suck and FAIL, I suggest you delete your warcraft characters and then go kill yourself
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by YOU SUCK!!!
  It bothers me.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Not David
  Waste of anyone's time...
  David owns you. You have wasted everyone's time and score no points...FAIL!
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Anyone but you
  This site needs more beige.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Mr P Coral
  To: BeigeRed aka Mintred
  You cannot really appreciate the dry, devastating humour that is David Thorne as you are totally devoid of a sense of humour (yes, that's with a 'u' as I'm English, so don't dare be so pedantic as to challenge the spelling).

You appear to be the product of the prevalence of interbreeding that occurs in the USA, as nobody would normally be so retarded as to to keep trying to prove the black is actually white in the way you try to defend yourself against David's comments. I suggest that you go off and try and find a relative more visually appealing than yourself to pass the time more usefully with.

You were owned; get over it.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Merlin
  David vs. Scott
  I feel sad for you Scott. You are very, very, very, very, very, very, very, pathetic regarding your little argument with David Thorne: You loose big time..! In every way....
And this website is not very funny, shrewd or clever..

Pair of ducks (David Thorne)--> Paradox (Scott) : You LOOSE!!! You are quite wek, letting yourself be manipulated....

Poor boy.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Lasse
  This site bothers me.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Fyl
  I'm astounded that your website knew my name when prompted to leave a comment.
Truly you are a marvel to us all.
Yours ever lovingly, Dicklock.

And you don't really deserve all this abuse.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Dicklock
  emailing from 27th of august 2013 at 2:47am - closet time machine
  The closet idea works
the website is beige
you suck
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by from the future
  good morning Vietnam
  David thorne is to robin williams as you are to that little douchebag fuck that thinks he is humorous. but in this anallogy you are the fat one.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by JrobMcNasty!
  The funniest part..
  The funniest part of this website is reading David Thornes snippets and the comments slagging you off.

I'm amusing myself imagining how deluded you must be to think you're actually funny.

Ohh, and seriously? you didn't get Pair of Ducks? say it our loud dude how did you miss that?!

Clearly you aren't as educated as you thought :-)
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by DannyH
  You claim that you are more intelligent that david thorne, and use fact based humour rather than his "fiction comedy!". you state in an argument that the internet was invented in america. it was inveneted in England you douch, by Tim Berners-Lee. You are useless, and just not funny.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Chris
  your site
  Was this website made when you registered google?

please respond....I must know.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by peter
  Facebook South Park
  This sorta reminds me of the South Park episode featuring facebook, where the sad lonely boy suddenly acquires thousands of "friends"

I actually feel sorry for Scott.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Will
  Dear Scott
  Have you watched "the Office". You're like David Brent. A silly fat cunt who thinks he's witty, smart, clever and hilarious while everyone snickers at him behind his back. Wait, you've probably only ever seen the American version....
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Mick from Orstralia
  Scott, get over this thing already? Dave is a seriously funny guy, why can you let that just be? Be your own thing. This whole thing is just retarded and you look like a fool, by your own hand.

Move on, get over it. Stop being obsessed.

I have to say Dave's site is much better designed than yours. But when did that become a competition anyway? get over it.

You compare you humor to Dave's, yet there is not humor on your site? Just obsessive rambling about Dave? Not funny at all really.

  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by
  You, sir, are a tool.
  I don't want to waste too much more of my time on your site so I will make this as brief as I can.

You aren't good at anything you do.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by The_Pope
  Trolling is a art
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by
  You should probably thank David for the crazy amount of publicity he gave you.

This site is really sad.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by michael
  Why don't you just give up?

It's true what he said and this level of jealousy can't be good for you.
Physical exercise, now that's something potentially beneficial.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by POGS
  I am scott
  And so is my wife.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Fake scott #...oh, I don't know
  Priceless Coral is excellent
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Gordon Dicklock
  Jy is n naatkop!
  Ahoy strange fellow! Just wanted to share some love from South africa, I think your anecdotes about Star Trek are the tits! Honestally, apart from grammar and humour, I don't know what people see in David Thorne! oh well, take care and as they say in South Africa, "Jy is 'n lekker groot naai"

Ps, don't google translate taht last bit, they always get it wrong:-)
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Holmes
  Sad nerd...
  All of your posts are just too sad to be read.. I almost cry by your pathetic attempt to be funny..
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Normal Guy
  It's really beige in here...
  This website reminds me of this time my friends and I attempted to take a cross-country road trip in a cheap 1970's van. We totaled the van 15 miles outside of our house in Oakland. I lost my leg, my buddy Frank lost his left eye, and the driver and front passenger, Mark and Orus, died later that night in the hospital. Sometimes I have nightmares that I'm still trapped in that shitty van, Mark is screaming for help, my entire body feeling like it's on fire, and all I want to do is get away from that horrible place.

That's how bad your website is. Please quit the internets.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Anon
  damn man u r literally Todd from code monkeys. Electroshock therapy is the only thing can save ur severely warped mind. If you haven't seen the show then I recommend you do and pay close attention to the guy who wears a helmet.(thats you)Ur preposterously over sized ego is as a previous commenter noted, not funny just kinda sad.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by gws
  I think David Thorne is pretty funny. So what if his articles are fake? They're funny and have become pretty popular on the Everyboty Network. I read ONE of your articles and it bored the piss out of me. You should be a columnist and change your name to John Schröder.

Scratch that, no love for you

  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Geoff
  Hey Scott
  I've finally found out you're true identity:
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by
  By corresponding with Thorne, you only brought more attention to how lame, boring, and stupid you are. Way to go.

Alt - F4
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Mind bore.
  What's wrong with you Mintred? Are you broken?
  Can i suggest that your time might be better spent on your own articles and comming up with some original content. This form of penis envy over david's more succesfull site is making me really embarressed for you and you still continue to reply and write with an air of arrogance and superiority that is totally undeserved . The only thing on your site that made me laugh was the way you think your evidence of Davids fakeness is dynamite stuff and you have blown the lid off some kind of worldwide conspiricy .

MINTRED "this bothers me too."

  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by bigwillyfastbum
  Wow, you really are obsessive...
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by João
  so good
  i like reading about you getting owned by david thorne. please continue being an asshat.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by ttjoe
  Stop your braspheming
  As Supleme Being. I improre you to stop being as sirry as me.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Kim Jong-il
  I didn't realize this was supposed to be a humor web site until I read the comments talking about how unfunny it is.
Maybe it's some really big, elaborate joke about a boring guy who's completely unaware of his personal shortcomings – kind of like that column from the Onion, 'A Room of Jean's Own,' or how Joaquin Phoenix pretended to be a rapper for a while (both funny).
Unfortunately, I doubt that's the case here. Sorry, guy. Perhaps you should try writing a news blog or something. I hear porn sites can be lucrative, too. In fact, forget the news blog idea, do the porn thing.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Melanie
  scott don't take that shit hurry up and make your youtube video. you dicklock
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by brian grady
  You are horrible, so horrible.
  Had it not been for David Thorne speaking of you on his website I never would have found your website. And I am angry, so angry that because of him I read one entry on your website and wasted 3 min of my life. Thanks asshole.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by you don't deserve to know
  Not funny
  You have absolutely no sense of humour, and David does.
I only found out about your website because of his, and in the words of one of the few funny americans "You're not worthy"(wait, was he canadian?).

I don't agree with the people who say that the colour of this webpage is beige. Beige is not a colour...
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Danish reader
  This is fucking sad.
  I admit that the only reason I am here is because of 27b/6, but anyone can see that this website is the biggest fucking waste of bandwidth out there. I'd rather visit a website about toasters or paper-plates with faces on them. What the fuck is the point of this site? Is this just your piece of internet real estate and you really don't have anything better to do than fill it with useless bullshit that only you care about? I've skimmed through a decent amount of comments left on your various articles and it seems that a vast majority of them are negative. The public has spoken, you suck. Just fucking stop, you're not impressing anyone. It's just fucking sad. I'm genuinely SAD about how much you suck at this. Most of your traffic comes from people coming here to watch you fail. I'm doing you a favor when I suggest you remove the site and stop the whole writing thing. It's not your talent.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Mr.
  What a load of shite your site is.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Teddy Ballsack
  King Troll
  You are either a very dedicated troll with too much time on your hands, or a very pathetic, sad man with serious self-esteem issues.

You may not like David Thorne very much, but at least he got you a lot more traffic on this depressingly unfunny website.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Dick Phister
  Proof that David's stuff is fake.
  Dear Scott,
This is Scott from the past and I am sending you good news. It seems David has let the ball slip. His last article about george from West Virginia calling him a foggot is obviously fake because he is in Adelaide Australia which is 13 hours and 30 minutes ahead of West Virginia. Seeing as he would use his local time in his emails, this would mean George would be awake and writing emails at 5:21am, 8:38am, 11:48pm, and 1:32am unless he too has a time machine. You should email him this fact. The hilarious thing is that he won't be able to post the email on his website because it proves once and for all that he is a fake and why his website is far less humorous than ours.

Also, you are awesome and girls think you are hot.

  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Fake Scott Mintred #461
  why are bothing with this? You're making yourself sound cringingly awful..
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Colin Jackson
  Hey, Handsome !
  "You're an inspiration for birth control."
"You're an inspiration for birth control."
"You're an inspiration for birth control."
"You're an inspiration for birth control."
"You're an inspiration for birth control."
"You're an inspiration for birth control."
"You're an inspiration for birth control."
"You're an inspiration for birth control."
"You're an inspiration for birth control."
"You're an inspiration for birth control."
"You're an inspiration for birth control."
"You're an inspiration for birth control."
"You're an inspiration for birth control."
"You're an inspiration for birth control."
"You're an inspiration for birth control."
"You're an inspiration for birth control."
"You're an inspiration for birth control."
"You're an inspiration for birth control."
"You're an inspiration for birth control."
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Duke Nukem
  David Thorne
  Just wanted to pop in and say that David Thorne's lying ass is HILARIOUS. You, on the other hand, could learn to stretch the truth a bit yourself. Your posts are about as interesting as this corpse flesh color you chose for your website.
To sum it up:
David Thorne=Awesome
You= don't quit your day job.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Angie
  This website sucks ass!
  This website is horrible and poorly written, just give it up Scott
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Victoria
  I got a theory
  I got a theory o_o both these sites are actually run by the same man... I mean look at this, I didn't read any of this crap BUT I still got relinked from here to there and back in an exchange of.. lets call it "wit"... between these two pretentious idiots o.O
So I postulate that.. err.. Scott? And.. that other guy are actually ONE AND THE SAME PERSON *gasp* and that the T-Shirt and book sales are their main goal!
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Nagle
  This is sad.
  Really really sad. Get a life, scott. Seriously, this is just pathetic.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Chris
  My eyes are bleeding.
  Way too much beige.
Sorry, priceless coral (my bad).
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Eyebath
  Your an idiot
  Your an idiot for stating that you created this color. That is obviously not possible because of the restrictions of digital media. This could be true if you took a bunch of paint and mixed it all together to form some new color. (This puke brown would not be my first choice). You color is actually e0d4bb which in no way is custom. Good try though.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Larry T
  You Suck
  vous devriez vous tuer!!
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Delo
  For someone who claims superior intelligence you sure don't understand when someone is screwing with you. I hope that the sudden surge in traffic doesn't bring down your website or give you the impression that you will now have more readers. Clearly your image editing skills through MS Paint are stronger than your designing skills as your beige website is almost as bland as your humor.

Tell me, is it hard to play pogs with sausage fingers?
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by PoP
  I am so embarrassed for you. Maybe you should seriously doing something else with your time?

And seriously, a "closet" joke? Intelligent people don't make gay jokes.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Andy
  Jesus, could you be a bigger freak?

You are obsessed. I read David's site and it's funny, and even if I did believe, I wouldn't care.

It's comedy, and it serves it's purpose.

As for your site, I'd never heard of it previous to this, but it is rather poorly designed, navigation to other posts is difficult, because you have each post as a whole page, and you have all of your damn comments display. I have no interest in reading anything on your site because I CAN'T USE IT.

Seriously though, "Priceless Coral" is stupid.

By the way, Yes, You caught me, I am David!

You sly dog!

I attempted to fool you, but no, no criticism could ever befall you!

Get a fucking life.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Murphy
  Fuck you suck Scott
  Hey Scott how does it feel to know that you are going to die a virgin?
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Dolmio
  - 500000
  You know what that number means? It means don't continue with this website.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Rick
  Site Content
  Your website reminds me of my first attempts at dreamweaver and your content reminds me of the first time i tried to use the words that mommy and daddy taught me to form a coherent sentence. ah, to be a toddler again.

by the way, is not YOUR lexicon. it's a dictionary.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Paulzor
  Thorne is twice the man you wish you could be. I suppose that makes him 1/3 of the man you are now, given your girth.

congrats on rediscovering beige, btw. perhaps if you stop inhaling everything within reach of your stubby little Jabba arms, you eyes will one day rediscover your feet too!
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by MT
  The Dunning–Kruger effect

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which an unskilled person makes poor decisions and reaches erroneous conclusions, but their incompetence denies them the metacognitive ability to realize their mistakes.[1] The unskilled therefore suffer from illusory superiority, rating their own ability as above average, much higher than it actually is, while the highly skilled underrate their abilities, suffering from illusory inferiority. This leads to the situation in which less competent people rate their own ability higher than more competent people. It also explains why actual competence may weaken self-confidence: because competent individuals falsely assume that others have an equivalent understanding. "Thus, the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others."[2]

Game Set Match DT!
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Tash
  Wow...this is really pathetic.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Amanda
  Some days you're the bug, other days, the windshield.
  Just like some days, you're Scott Mintred and other days you're David Thorne.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Katie Reeves
  Those were the days....................
  Just wanted to say we all liked you Scott alot more at high school when we could 'censor' your mind-fuck ,annoying dribble by making you wear your 'Atomic wedgie' daily, rendering your flailing arms useless and unable to access a keyboard.
You've had quite a few 'new ones' torn, which I'm sure your multiple boyfriends appreciate...
Ah, miss u Scott, good times.....
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Big Mike
  Your website is useless
  I cant believe every article on this site has a negative rating. You really are a poor writer.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by observant
  What the hell?
  Your website is boring. I mean it's cool that you made your little corner of the internet and all, but you cant honestly be trying to compete with Thorne?
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by super soaker 2010
  David Thorne Who?
  27b/6 is obviously jealous of your content. who does this guy think he is writing all this crap about you Mr. Mintred? hahah yeah right, as if your load of bull shit is even remotely as funny as 27b/6. Stop being a Wanker... if it wasn't for him your blog would still be exclusive to you and your mom.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Mike Unt
  have you patented priceless coral yet
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Tiffany
  Really? Wow. His website makes you look like a dolt. Your website confirms it.
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Ha!
  Meet a giant fish (like a boss), fuck its brains out (like a boss)
  "You will be able to witness its unveiling later tonight tomorrow night, or Yesterday Morning three weeks ago Thursday for those of you in Australia."

WTF? Did someone move the International Date Line, or alter the direction in which the Earth rotates on its axis?

If not, you Septics are still a day behind us Aussies, knobhead. That's every day too, arse clown. Forget working on your time machine closet, and just climb out of it.

BTW that "rouge" letter "d" you keep referring to?
I think you "rogue" i.e. "to roam alone", and not "rouge", which is a pinkish colour not dissimilar to "Princess Coral".
  Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Like A Boss
  You realize that you're creating yourself to be a villain? I know you're mad because people actually read through his site and buy his stuff, but you need to chill out.

Perhaps giving a loaded shotgun a blowjob would be the ideal leisure time activity for you?
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by
  "This site best when viewed on a screen using eyes . "

"Leave a Comment, Dicklock."

This is seriously fucking pathetic.
I'm so glad 27b/6 led me to this hole, it's hilarious because you're so fucking retarded.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by up yours
  So I googled "beige" and ended up here, and now I'm going to have to delete my browsing history to avoid looking like I came here intentionally. Thanks a lot.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Dicklock, apparently...
  Copil Retard (Retarded child)
  Scott este un copil retard care nu a fost hranit de maica-sa cand a fost mic si din cauza asta mintea nu ii merge cum ar trebui. Nu are prieteni si viata si .. in general miroase urat. Lumea il evita pe strada.

That is Romanian for "You suck and your life sucks and you should die."
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Manu
  I declare competition to your colour...

You will hold your monopoly over the beige range of colours for no longer.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Gordan Didlock
  Why are you trying to be an internet version of a Batman villain? I mean, you've read through Mr. Thorne's website, and you know how he carries on with the "fake" people he posts about, yet you STILL fell into the trap and took part in a long, pointless e-mail fight. What's the point? By trying to take him down or expose him, you're just putting your own pettiness on display and giving him more traffic.

Furthermore, he said he was in the US, at the time of the "fake" e-mail you pointed out, which you can't disprove. You're certainly entitled to disbelieve it, but you didn't really prove anything except that you're paying a weird amount of attention to the guy.

Personally, as funny as I think his site is, I do, sometimes, find it hard to believe he runs across so many aggressively ignorant and closed-minded people, but then again, here you are.
Take that as an insult if you want, but you STILL tried to attack him and wound up telling HIM not to contact YOU anymore. Nicely done.

Now you can argue all you want that you believe his encounters are falsified, but by continuing this blind, pointless, one-sided battle, you potentially make yourself out to be one of these conjured up stories. You actually suggest, without words that you could be David Thorne.

Maybe if you worked on your own character, rather than assume you can't be wrong, and worked on your own site's entertainment value, you'd have nothing to complain about.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by This Guy
  Stop using me
  Dear Scott,

I'm Priceless Coral. Please stop talking about me. I'm a soft, gentle, muted color who doesn't like a lot of attention and fanfare. I often get picked on and called "beige" a lot. But you know that I'm not. Please stop using me on your website. Getting laughed at and taunted by posters on your site really hurts.

Your BFF,, I mean Priceless Coral
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Priceless Coral
  Epic Fail
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Paddo
  David Thorne
  Buddy, you've not got a hope against Dave. He has proven time and time again that he can deal with your ilk as easily and as he likes. I've read some of his correspondences and even the "foggot" from America's deep south had a better chance of getting one over on Dave.

Also it'd be better for your site if you just concentrated on things that are applicable to you rather than getting into a slanging match.

Yours sincerely,

  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Barry
  Eye cancer
  Yeah. I now have eye cancer due to reading your poorly formed arguments, terrible design skills and pointless ramblings - particularly concerning DT. Why bother going up against someone, who, as far as I can tell is superior to you in all ways. I'm not even a big DT fan yet he easily proves you to be a small boy in comparison.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Alex
  Poor Scott
  Dear Scott,
I think you should finally buy yourself an electrical jerkoff machine (I guess you can travel back in time and buy one when they were cheap) and stop wasting your time and money on keeping this website. Thorne is outperforming you in every aspect. Face it - you are a complete retard (although you don't admit it because you are a complete retard) and you are not funny. At all.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Blowfly
  Felt I had to check out your couldn't really be THAT sad, could it?
  Alas, it is.

Now I just feel sorry for you.

Please, please, stop whatever it is you're trying to do.
(What ARE you trying to do?)
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Andrea M
  Please help
  From:Naomi Titi

Good Day Dear Mister Scott, Sir,

My name is Naomi Titi, am 17 years old,I am Ivorian Natinonality in West African regoin.I am the only daugther of late Chief Roland Titi my late father is the former Director of Gold and Diamond Minning industry here in Bouakee before the rebels attacked our house and kill my mother and my father,Luckly to me,i was in school at Ghana when the incident happens.

Before the death of parents,my father told me that he deposited the sum of US$4, 500,000.( four Million,Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) with a Bank here in Abidjan under fixed suspence account that i should be 25 years before having access to it. He also told me that his intention was to open Bank account in overseas and transfer the money for foreign investments.

If you agree on this, I'll give you 20% of the total share when transferred, then 5% will be given to you if you made any expense on the cause of the transfer. Please,my reasons of contacting you is to request for your co-operation and assistance to help me transfer this money into a foreign account of yours by providing a bank account either companys or your private account where the money can be remitted in your care until I finished my Education career in your country. Please remember the confidentiality and urgency my mail required while I expect to hear from you.

Thanks and God bless
Yours Sincerely,
Naomi Titi
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by From:Naomi Titi
  I love the way you totally kicked David Thorne's ass.I doubt we'll see anymore of him. Bravo sir, bravo.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by YOU'RE MY HERO
  this is..
  pitiful. just pitiful.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by M|ntred
  Your shit website
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Neville Bartos
  BWHAHA no...
  LOLOLOLOL no....
You have issues
Daivd is a mhad cunt
Grow a pair (if you can)
And chill out you fuking retard :D
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by JMCI
  The only reason you've received a phenomenal 12 hits is because those of us who love 27b/6 are only mildly interested to see what diatribe you post. What a waste of cyberspace your "blog" is; do you actually have anything worthy to say?
Jealousy is an ugly emotion; but rather fitting where you're concerned methinks!
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by GSMG
  You're funny, in a very obsessing and inane way. Psychotherapists exists for a reason.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Fred
  Your website makes me want to gouge out my eyeballs with a rusty needle
  Also, I would rather be kicked in the head by a horse the size of ten horses all put together than spend one minute with you.

But that's beside the point.

My point is that when users post comments on your page, the most recent should appear at the TOP. This egregious error can probably be attributed to the fact that you have the mental capacity of the mold growing in your fat rolls (hint: none). However, I am committed only to furthering mankind, so I'm dropping another helpful hint for you.

You really should start paying me for these things.

  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by K
  I believe this is a side project of David Thorne, which makes it extra Andy Kaufman funny.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by mnkysrbtr
  you are sad
  I could say that you are lame and that I don't respect you but i fact i pity you. Stop this, you're hurting yourself.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by anonymous
  Your Website
  I find it quite hilarious that the only hits you get on this website... are those about David. And the multitude of people that come onto it to defend him, good luck at failing Scotty (Y)
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Jacob
  Simply awful
  Wow. This site is a fantastic fail. Not wasting anymore time here. Going back to the infinitely superior 27b/6.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Carebear
  This entire situation.
  That I don't think this site or its creator are funny doesn't really matter. What does matter is that your continued riding of coattails is getting annoying.

While I don't much care for the original content of this site, I can see some people enjoying it. This shite concerning David, though... kinda lame. You don't like him or his site or the content of it or whatever, you've stated that. Leave it.

Also, pet peeve: Don't bring up a point like page views and unique users and then say you weren't trying to make a point of it when someone proves you wrong. You can't pretend to be smart and then make it someone else's fault when you're wrong. Not cool.

Anyways. To sum up: Grow up.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Johnathon
  regardless of whether or not Mr. Thorne falsified any of his emails, his website is still much funnier than this beige peice of shit.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Dalton N.
  Stop, and don't murder anyone.
  Scott, Please stop... whatever this is that you are doing.

Please don't eat anymore.

Please don't try to find David Thorne and kill him. You strike me as one with homicidal capabilities. Only of course, when antagonized on the internet or taunted with food.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Michael - Columbus Ohio
  you fail
  actually, your website sux. just thought you should know that, in case you didn't. also, you're fat. sorry to have to confirm that.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by guy
  Keep up the great work!
  Hello Scott,
Although I assume you have stopped reading comments on your website due to the overwhelming assertion by your "readers" that you are a talentless fuck, (I'm paraphrasing, of course) I felt as if I should leave this message of encouragement. I believe you should keep updating your website, as it could be an international success. Perhaps it will turn into the blog-version of Plan 9 From Outer Space, where people will read your drivel and poor attempts at comedy to produce actual comedy in jest of your work. You are an idol of mine, and I worship you as such. I have a cutout of your face that I place on the passenger's seat of my car so that I can be with you more often, and to be completely honest, I have not been above stopping short to try and cop a feel.
You are truly an inspiration to everyone, proving that one does not require talent to maintain a blog.
With Love,
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Craig
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by LOL U MAD BRO?
  I have read your website
  ...and it is obviously that your a foggot.

Don't even try to compare your obese 4chan /b/ want-to-be humor with Thorne.

The only reason you've had any publicity at all is because Thorne has graciously put a link to your site in his most recent post. If anything, you should be thanking him.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by ftk
  Wait, is this supposed to be a funny site?
  I don't get it. You must not get out much.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Steve
  Who or what cuts your hair?
  It looks like you mix cat food up in it and the cats eat the food and part of those few remaining hairs you have left. You would be doing yourself (and everyone else) a favor if you removed your photographs. Just saying....
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by TAPP


Also, you suck.
Yeah I know, lame. But hey, it's true!
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by s1h4d0w
  you got owned.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by nrb
  Your website is bad and you should feel bad
  I find it funny that the most entertaining part of pretty much every "blog entry" is in the comments. You were so "butthurt" about the only people visiting your blog were you and, probably you again, that you decided to fight with someone with a successful blog.

Great job becoming infamous, MinTard.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by John Smith
  This website is David Thorne's
  Scott (or should I say David??), I've seen right through your thinly disguised don't exist. You are a figment of David Thorne's ultimately humourous imagination and your website is his way of generating more hits for him. Either that or you really are a feckless, talentless, humourless moron. I'm praying that my "Scott is David Thorne's Alias" theory is correct. If it isn't then I'm praying for've got to get a life man!!

And just for good's fecking beige...I've never seen anything that is more beige than your beige website...IT'S BEIGE...DO YOU UNDERSTAND???....LIVE WITH IT!!!
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by
  A comment, apparently
  You got pretty much rammed. This amuses me.

  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Dicklock, apparently
  Don't be distracted by the word waffles there you tubby fucker
  David Thorne is a much more accomplished writer than you ever will be. So stop it.

Now you may go eat some waffles.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Lollerwaffles
  I thought your site was supposed to be funny? Shame on you to trick an old man like that!
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Shane Woods
  Uh oh....
  I had to stop reading... too much beige... makes me nauseous!
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Tina
  What a pity
  Seriously, you should consider retiring from your blogging career. You just made a buffoon of yourself, you're a fucking waste, deal with it.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Michael Huard
  Were you home-schooled?
  Seriously, give it up mate. Your site makes a pathetic attempt at humor, while David's site is humor itself.
You really need to brush up on your grammar too.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by
  Also, have you ever heard of auto-fiction as a literary genre. It doesn't have to be factual to be funny, to represent some kind of truth. Finally, YOUR BLOG IS FUCKING BEIGE, turd.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Michael Huard
  Scott, speak to us!!!
  This is pretty convincing now surely? This is not just a cross section of the interwebz, this is a vast amount of people who are imploring you to give this up, you're making a twat of yourself. You're not a comedian, it's time to wake up to that..
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by pk909
  You are an absolute imbecile. Stop embarrassing yourself.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by
  I've been reading the back and forths between this site and 27b/6 and have decided that you should be the bigger man and ignore Thorne. Being the bigger man should not be problematic for you. You see, this is humorous because you are large.

Who uses MS Paint for anything important?
I would recommend that you get photoshop.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by PtMd
  Hey guys, I googled the word "beige" and it came up with this site. I'm trying to find a good shade of beige for the redesign of facebook, and this seems to fit perfectly. What is the name of it?
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Mark Zuckerberg
  Good Lord, Mr Mintred, half a million people cannot be wrong. Sell your computer(s). Board up your house. Spend the rest of your life under the bed with a bag on your head. That should just about exhaust the vanishingly tiny degree of your talents and save anyone at all from having to endure them.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Richard Lock
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by
  This is an epic troll or you just suck.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Dicklock
  Your theory above about this actually being David seemed pretty sensible, but I looked around and it seems that Mintred wrote a review for a restaurant back in 2007 (posted on another site).... so sadly he is a real person. It was so much more comforting to believe this was David...
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Dicklock's beige.
  Sir, you are the Newman to Mr. Thorne's Seinfeld.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by
  hahahahahaha you fucking fatass. you have the fucking worst pseudo-intellectual site that i've ever read. wow. go to fucking college, twat.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by kid
  If anything, you've only proved that Mr. Thorne does in fact post real correspondences, since you've verified the email is real.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Ellen
  Are you capable of writing a post whose humour doesn't rely on stale Internet memes?
  I use the word "humour" loosely there.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Lucy
  You're not even remotely funny.
  Even as hard as you try to be.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Rachelle
  Your Website
  You really should consider a new hobby because humor is something you definitely don't create (the exception to this truth is humor at your expense which seems to be bordering on infinite)
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Cal Ripken jr.
  This video better be worth the fucking wait. Is Spielberg directing it?
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by

listen up this is important.

i think i found the humor in this site, bare with me.

the title is "Mintred-This Bothers Me" naturally we assume that the me is the author but what if it is meant to be us the reader and this entires site is meant to be one big ironic joke. if you look at it that way it merits a brief chuckle if you are in a descent mood and like irony.

otherwise its a pathetic site made by sad lonely idiot who has never known the touch of a women unless you count him touching himself, but thats an insult to women. HE craves attention because no one liked him as a kid and he never really matured because he stayed inside and breast fed all his life.

one last thing, I believe that we all should give scott a round of applause, he is this pathetic and useless yet he has refrained from killing himself and keeps going at it everyday with seemingly endless determination and will. bravo scott you pathetic, miserable, immature impotent, man-child, momma's boy, David Thorne wannabe with no wit, style, sense of humor, intelligence or use of any kind.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by SneakyPenguin77
  entirely possible, but i doubt it.

the domain was bought in 2001. somehow i don't think that david would have been concocting a prank of a fake website for 9 years...
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Ell
  To Sneaky Penguin77 above.
  I lol'd. But... You have to give Scott some credit. Basically, this seems to be a long waged obsession by Scott. Regardless if he has a point or not. That kind of dedication deserves something. Secondly, this guy has seriously been absolutely reamed by David Thorne. I mean seriously fucking reamed. He takes a weak shot and BANG Thorne fucking owns him on centre stage. Under lights. Yet he didn't stagger to his knees or cry, the fucker just keeps getting back up.

I'm giving him an upvote just for that. Well done Scott.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Carter
  Give Up
  You're so obviously a foggot!

Oh, almost forgot to mention... it's beige.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by DC
  Shittest Site On The Net
  This site is worse than a geocities a site dedicated to pottery.
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by Chester Chessington
  u succkkkk
  Dude i checked ur page, because of David... u r really boring, try to do something else... maybe try to invent a travel machine ;)
  Thursday, September 30, 2010 by
  Your website reminds me of a government office, colorless and full of useless information. I kind of want to slip into a coma when visiting it.

  Friday, October 01, 2010 by mstarr
  Thank you
  Thank you for linking me to David Thorne webpage, its hilarious !
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by Eleanor Ruth
  Im Sorry..
  i regret clicking on the link, as this site does not increase my quality of life :P

PS: David is a cool dude :D
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by sugar
  Such a fucking loser you are...and seriously's beige!
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by Amy
  FOGGOT! Trollmaster Thorne PWNED you, sir. Good day
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by b/FTW
  could you invent me a color? that would be awesome.
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by SmarterThanYou
  What I wonder is, if 100 people wrote the letter 'E' - how different would they look? Probably not very, considering there's not really many other ways to form it. Douchebag. For all that you attempt to criticize David, you just make yourself look even worse, you obsessed loser. You don't even need Davids help to look ridiculous. At least David makes money from his actual hilarity (he's certainly made some of mine) would go broke if you tried to live off the proceeds of your 'comedy'. Unless if you published the readers comments left on your pathetic site - they're 1000 times funnier then you. I actually lol'd at them. Yours made me frown and gave me a headache. So did the pansy beige background. In fact, beige would be better then this sickly colour - and I hate beige!
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by Chantelle
  Sweet mother of christ
  Having trawled through around fifteen seconds worth of your mind jizz I find myself moved to apoplectic rage at your linguistic incompetence and far-reaching idiocy. I assume you're allowed internet access;; not American invented as you assert but widely credited to Tim Berners-Lee, a Brit and knight of the realm, just as an aside;; as some sort of recreational hobby at the assisted living facility you presumably reside in. You're almost too stupid to exist in the world and I would strongly encourage you to purchase a one way ticket to Switzerland where the nice people can make all of this pesky David Thorne nonsense go away...
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by Edd
  You never had so many visitors on your page!
But man, you got pwnd!
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by Peter Pen
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by Emily
  Well, I hope when you sit at home each evening, masturbating to your own brilliance, you climacticlally call out your own name in admiration of the good, honest work you've achieved here. Good luck on your quest to make yourself look cooler than everyone else!
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by I ? beige
  You Suck
  Seriously? Grow up and move on fat man.
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by
  The Thorn in your side
  Hello Scott as you may have guessed intellect isn't the same as comedy its quite possible to have one and not the other, as you demonstrate quite well :)

on a side note I'm a paranoid individual and have started to wondering if you and Mr Thorn are the same person and this is just to achieve a little more notoriety for 27/6b but I gave up with that line of thought when I realized the ninjas that stalk me from the shadows are plotting my downfall once more, if you could use your wonderfully superior intellect to tell me how to defeat this army of ninjas hiding in inky darkness I would be very grateful.

lots of love

- Paranoid random stranger called Drew
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by Drew
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by
  You're never going to win against David Thorne in the way you're going about it. It's embarrassing that you even continue with this.
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by Senor Adyfh
  What is the reason for this site?
  What the flip is this dicklock bollocks? ;)

You have no real entertaining content and the sad thing is the best part of the site is the readers comments.

I have to admit I did spend 2hrs of my work time reading all the comments from the good people from 27b/6 pure gold people or should that be beige.
now back to real Comedy

Neil: Come on guys, I don't think we should let this experience bring us down. After all, what's so wrong with dirty clothes anyway?

Rick: Yeah! you know, what they say - dirty pants, clean botty.

Mike: Dirty duvet, dirty mind.

Vyvyan: Yeah - my knickers are so old, it's only the stubborn understains that are holding them together.
You bastard! You complete and utter bastard!!!
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by Vyvyan
  Wat a loser!!!!!!!!
  hahahha bet u feel like a right stupid turd now. you really are a retard! haha
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by Sarah
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by HAHAHAHAH
  You're obese and this website smells like a dirt star.
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by Unicorn Queef
  His real name
  His real name is Scott Minerd

His phone number is 516-364-5597

His is fat, stupid and drinks himself until he gets the courage to masturbate.
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by Scott Minerd
  Hang in there, buddy. You can do it.
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by
  Open your eyes!
  672 good comments to 513831 bad ones... these numbers should speak for themselves! Are you just that stubborn that it blinds you? Are are bad comments the only attention you get in your life and is that why you keep on writing this "funny" blog?
You are just a fake guy just looking for attention!
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by God
  Is this really Scott's Site?
  This is really Scott's site? It seems like a full site where he basically causes himself to be the butt of all the jokes and only because of how poorly written they are. If this is Scott's site then I think we all may be witness to one of the dumbest people ever to grace the internet.
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by Alec
  I think it's a fetish
  I believe Scott created this site intentionally bad to induce the bad comments. He probably reads each one slowly, just barely delaying the orgasm so that he can read the next.
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by SafeWord
  man this site blows
  just give up man- the fact that you can't recognize what thorne is doing definitely makes you the less intelligent. this site sucks dick
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by derp

i reset my case.
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by Cyber Policeman
  You're a douche
  see above
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by dewd
  You dumb sack of shit.
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by Rob
  Wow, this would have to be the stupidest and lamest site I have visited. I can't believe I wasted my time reading a site so devoid of humour. You're a tool Mintred.
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by
  ...or Mintard?
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by Mick from Orstralia
  im a foggot
  im a foggot
  Friday, October 01, 2010 by Scott Mintred
  This colour is FAIL
  This internet site
Lacks a nice coloured pallete
You are super FAIL
  Saturday, October 02, 2010 by priceless coral
  David took you to school. I guess it is better than riding the short bus everyday huh Scott?
  Saturday, October 02, 2010 by Jojo
  outwitted, outdone, outclassed.
  if you have to tell someone you've delivered the coup de grace, you haven't.

usually i'm down with nerdy people; they're my tribe.

but you're... well, you're just beige. not even beige. you actually admit to calling this dump "priceless coral"?

hint one: having a lot of hits does not make you an artist. we've all seen the stuff that gets a lot of hits.

hint two: being able to make a youtube video or an urban dictionary entry does not make you smart. any seventh-grader can do those things, and from the looks of things, most do. are you in seventh grade? 'coz if you are, you aren't doing so well. maybe you shoudl try out for the drama club or chess team or the AV club and boost your social skills. are you in second grade? 'coz if you are, you're doing AWESOME. keep up the good work.

hint three: mr. thorne is a master. you are not. i am not. very few people are. don't take it so hard.

i find it very amusing that you link to his site, yet he does not link to you. therefore his his stunning intellect and humor have actually driven people to find you by tracking you down. your incresased hits, on which you base your sense of worth, are only a result of his massive readership.

all bow to his powers over you!
  Saturday, October 02, 2010 by flask
  I should've never made your father meet your mother. I screwed up bigtime, I never thought you could make a webpage like this. Please David, stop. In order to ammend this huge mistake, you must devote 4 lifetimes of eternal prayer. If I were you, I'd be starting!
From above,
PS: Take it easy with the Star Trek porn.
  Sunday, October 03, 2010 by God
  "My blog isnt beige imbecile. Its a color I invented called Priceless Coral." You do realize that you can't "invent" colors don't you? All you did (if anything) is take the color #DFD3BB and think "Hmm, how can I make this color any gayer?"
  Monday, October 04, 2010 by Benjamin Sutton
  Hey Rosenberg!!!
  Yeah, I saw you changed my comment. Real name: Rosenberg. Eat a dick you jewy fuck.
  Tuesday, October 05, 2010 by George
  you really suck dude
  Get a life or kill yourself you waste of space.Do you really have nothing better to do? Are you trying to pretend that your a villan trying to crush Davids plan or some shit? I have created a 3 step program(sorry no pics ripped off someone elses site to be witty here)
step one-own or purchase a gun immediatly.
step 2-place said gun in mouth (make sure it is loaded first)
step 3-pull the trigger
If this doesn not work the first time due to the ammount of layers of fat and 4 steaks in your mouth,repeat steps 1-3.
Dont be mad cause your blob of a wife wants David & not you.
Have a nice day....and please kill yourself. =)
  Thursday, October 21, 2010 by you suck
  can you borrow david's time machine and warn me not to waste my time on this site?
  i think the subject line pretty much sums this comment up. i liken your miserable crusade against david to a fat kid who drops his candy bar and cannot physically bend down to reacquire his delicious candy bar...all in all, a failure.
  Thursday, October 28, 2010 by Dicklock
  You are such a complete idiot. David Thorne is comic genius. Maybe you should read his site more and learn something. You bother us all!
  Saturday, October 30, 2010 by Mary Kate
  Big Bopper or David Tanny? (just askin')
  Thursday, December 16, 2010 by theboywhowouldbeSOFAKINGtodded
  f what.
  why am I still here. kill yourself. this is ridiculous. you're everything that's wrong about everything. and more.
  Friday, April 08, 2011 by jonny

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