I am not one whom likes to forward things to people. I do not like to "embed" things either. I like to come up with my own shitty, shitty work. At least then whenupon I go to sleep with my good wife snoring and twitching and elbowing me, I do not have anything to bother me. Except for her incessant moving!
I will, now, make an exception, and you can be sure that I will be getting a poor,
poor night's sleep at cause of it! I will now "embed" something into this.
Observe it now, it is short and funny. (THATSWHATSHESAID):
That video may no longer be available from "hulu". That's the second reason that "embed"ding things terrifies me! They could pull the video at any time and I am at their mercy! If I were to put it on my own "site", they would sue me! Argh upon them and this!)
Note the humor of the video. It combines my two favorite things: Jack McCoy pretending to be serious, and Robots Attacking Old People.
And not just any Robot, but this one is made from a mailbox and some dryer exhaust hose. This is critically important because
those are the parts one would use when building a robot from things found around the home. Note that I did not say IN THE HOME! No. So therefore a US Postal Service Outdoor Mail Box could be acquired from "around" the home.
Illegally. Do not mistake me as implying that the Postal Service does not mind if you turn one of their Outdoor Mail Boxes into a Robot.
They not only mind, but they will arrest you for doing it.
Maybe if you were to win the Nobel Prize (the "Dynamite Concession") for building the Mail-Box-Torsoed Robot they would drop the charges with a remark such as, 'ah, yes, well, now that he's famous we could hardly do anything, well, yes, ah'.
I gravely doubt that you would win the Nobel Prize. I feel relatively assured of that. But feel free to
Prove Me Wrong. (<-- That is a link to the top of this page. Don't click it. You won't feel rewarded).
Compulsive clicker. Where were we? (And by "we" I mean "I". Hence by "were" I mean "was").
Oh nuts to this, End Communication.