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On the Subject of "A Day in the Life"
Thursday, April 26, 2007 by scott



Man: "Good day madam."

Man: I'm lookin' good today!

Man's Phone: (Plays Rocky theme).

Guy: "You're gay."

Man: (Shits pants) "I shit my pants!"

Guy: "You're fucking up the whole office. What are you thinking?"
(22 to 44)
  Damm that stinks KID
  Thursday, April 26, 2007 by Drew Wood
  Fat tits
  Yooooo kid, I like tha FAT titties on the philly in tha first frame, sooooon.

What up wif DAT?
  Thursday, April 26, 2007 by Jordanion of the Scrapopolis
  The Quandary of the 3 Rings
  Come one, come all, to see the greatest sirkis on earth!
  Friday, April 27, 2007 by Dick E. Shitcock
  Winner of the 2007 Dickie-Doo Award..

My stomach comes out further than my DICKIE DOO!!!
  Friday, April 27, 2007 by Adam "Tres Ringos" Circus
  Tuesday, May 08, 2007 by
  Tuesday, May 08, 2007 by DickWeedWhacker
  What was that? Was it meant to be funny? Are you Polish?
  Monday, February 02, 2009 by Uhm
  We could only wish that Sirkis was polish back in about 1939-1942.

Then we wouldnt have to put up with his fkn shit.

You dead yet dipshit ass face?
  Thursday, April 30, 2009 by Mintred DickLock
  man,i see you are the only person,who has rated this good 11 times....the things ,u have to do ,to get a positive rating...[:P]
  Friday, October 02, 2009 by sachin
  Just amazingly hilarious and in no way unfunny
  No, but seriously, this may be the funniest thing ive read in years..just classic comedy at its best.
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Sperry Shmason
  This looks like it was drawn by a three year old. why are you hiding it from me???
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Peado Bear
  lol youre shit
  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by fuck you
  This isn't about the Beatles song. I like the Beatles song. I do not like this.

  Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by John Paul III

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