I was at an Indian Restaurant on Saturday, and to my surprise we received a dish that was to be served with Tongs resembling the Battlestar Galactica logo. Once I worked with a man whom caused me to think of the show as "Gigglestar Blacklactica", but that's neither here nor there.
Regard this:
Then it was that I looked up the BSG logo at my Local Library (just kidding, I can afford a cable thing). It turns out that the tongs really only look like the BSG logo when you are not also looking at the BSG logo.
I decided that perhaps I'd been thinking of a Cylon Raider for that previous time, and so I called on my computer "show me that!". And so it did, but it didn't really look like the tongs.
Then it came to me that perhaps if the Cylons were to contract a marketing company (such as "Harry the Cylon's Marketing Extravaganza and Blowout!" (Cylons would not be good at marketing, you must understand, and hence the shitty, shitty name for a marketing company)), the logo for The Entire Cylon Race would look exactly like those tongs. And so I rest my case.
With this:
Out of the corner of My Eye, I'd thought that Google Images (in its infinite wisdom) had decided to show to me a picture of a vagina. It is not in fact a vagina, but a pink logo to Gigglestar Blacklactica. Let me show you:
I've refrained from uploading to my server a comparative image of a female vagina, for risk of making this completely NSFW, which would be critically important if anyone ever read my This.